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When exercise stops being good for you 当健身不再有益健康

分享到: 2024-05-28 11:54:33 BBC英语教学

摘要:When exercise stops being good for you 当健身不再有益健康


When exercise stops being good for you 当健身不再有益健康


词汇:exercise 锻炼

150 minutes of exercise a week: that's how much we should all be doing. Does this mean that gyms are the best ways to guarantee our health? Maybe, but they are not without their own health risks.

Recent studies have suggested that some gym-goers' hygiene standards leave much to be desired. Bacteria that can cause serious illness, such as food poisoning or pneumonia, was found on the surface of gym equipment. Sweat and the increased temperature caused by exercise can help dangerous bacteria grow on the skin, which can be transferred to our clothing.

It might not just be the microbes at a gym that could be toxic. Toxic gym culture may be leading people to feel judged or intimidated. In a 2019 US study, over half those surveyed felt anxious when going to the gym.

This feeling of being judged, and an overly competitive atmosphere, could create pressure to over-exercise. The Cleveland Clinic distinguishes between overreaching and over-training. The first is the result of a single instance of over-exertion, which leads to little more than muscle soreness, while the latter is more long-term and can have more serious consequences. Over-training has been linked to injuries, fatigue, reduced appetite and problems with sleep or weight gain.

When exercise becomes a compulsion, it can also be dangerous for our mental health. Writing for CNET, wellness writer Taylor Leamey warns that feeling guilt at missed gym sessions or trying to use exercise as a way to control our bodies could be signs that exercise dependency is a problem. This can be linked with having a negative body image.

Of course, we shouldn't forget that exercise can really help our physical and mental health, as long as we can maintain a healthy relationship with it.


health risk 健康风险,危及健康的因素
gym-goer 常去健身房锻炼的人,健身房常客
sweat 汗,汗水
judged 被评头论足
intimidated 发怵的,胆怯的
anxious 焦虑的
competitive 好竞争的
over-exercise 过度运动
overreaching (短时期内)训练过度
over-training 训练过度
muscle soreness 肌肉酸痛
injury 受伤
fatigue 疲劳
weight gain 体重增加
compulsion 强烈冲动
exercise dependency 运动依赖
negative body image 消极体象,消极地看待自己的身体


1. 阅读课文并回答问题。

1. How much exercise should we do a week?

2. What can help bacteria grow on our skin?

3. How did a US study find over half of people felt when they go to the gym?

4. What are possible consequences of over-training?

5. What could be signs that someone has a problem with exercise dependency?

2. 选择意思恰当的单词或词组来完成下列句子。

1. If you are suffering from _______, you are very tired.

injury fatigue compulsion sweat

2. _______ can help bacteria to grow on our skin.

Sweat Over-exercise Dependency Gym-goer

3. People suffering from a _______ feel that they have no choice but to do something.

compulsion health risk soreness over-training

4. A _______ can lead people to constantly think about exercise.

health risk anxious judged negative body image

5. In some gyms, the atmosphere can be very _______.

judged intimidated competitive exercise dependency


1. 阅读课文并回答问题。

1. How much exercise should we do a week?

According to the article, we should do 150 minutes of exercise per week.

2. What can help bacteria grow on our skin?

Sweat and increased temperatures can help bacteria to grow on our skin.

3. How did a US study find over half of people felt when they go to the gym?

Over half the people surveyed in a 2019 US study felt anxious when going to the gym.

4. What are possible consequences of over-training?

Over-training has been linked to injuries, fatigue, reduced appetite and problems with sleep or weight gain.

5. What could be signs that someone has a problem with exercise dependency?

Feeling guilt at missed gym sessions or trying to use exercise to control our bodies could be signs of exercise dependency.

2. 选择意思恰当的单词或词组来完成下列句子。

1. If you are suffering from fatigue, you are very tired.

2. Sweat can help bacteria to grow on our skin.

3. People suffering from a compulsion feel that they have no choice but to do something.

4. A negative body image can lead people to constantly think about exercise.

5. In some gyms, the atmosphere can be very competitive.
