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'Otherworldly' plant blooms for first time in decade

分享到: 2024-05-28 14:22:30 BBC英语教学

摘要:'Otherworldly' plant blooms for first time in decade “神秘” 植物十年来首次开花


'Otherworldly' plant blooms for first time in decade “神秘” 植物十年来首次开花


'Otherworldly' plant blooms for first time in decade “神秘” 植物十年来首次开花


Towering over all the cacti and succulents in the Arid House, the sapphire tower, as it's known, is an extremely rare gem.

耸立在伯明翰植物园沙漠植物温室中的仙人掌和多肉植物之上,高山普亚凤梨俗称 “蓝宝石塔”,乃植物界的稀世之宝。

But getting to it isn't an easy job.


After its sudden growth spurt, it now stands at three and a half metres tall.


Alberto Trinco, Horticulturist
"It takes so long for the plant to gather the energy and be ready to flower, and then to create this masterpiece of a flowering. It's rare and really exciting just to witness it. And it lasts maybe a week or two, and then it's gone and the plant itself dies. It's remarkable."

阿尔贝托·特林科 园艺学家

Nectar is literally falling out of it, and in its natural habitat, it would have all the pollinators flocking to it.


But there aren't any hummingbirds in Birmingham. So, Alberto has to use a paintbrush to do the job instead.


Alberto Trinco, Horticulturist
"It's a very slow growing plant. So, it takes years to get to the final stage."

阿尔贝托·特林科 园艺学家

Word has spread, and visitors have been making a beeline to see it, but they won't have very long.


Phil Mackie, BBC reporter
"So, normally it looks completely lifeless – absolutely dead. Every ten years or so it gets enough energy to flower, and in a couple of months it will completely die back again, and look as lifeless as it did to begin with."

菲尔·麦基 BBC通讯员

Once the flowers have faded, it will fruit, and later this year Alberto will collect the seeds.


So, visitors will be able to see the next generation of Puya alpestris in the nursery in the future.


Alberto Trinco, Horticulturist
"It's just so unusual and rare to see that. It doesn't matter how many times you see it. It's just great."

阿尔贝托·特林科 园艺学家
