
2024-06-14 08:48:00来源:网络


  First things first: anyone who tells you that you can always dodge the

  salary history question is probably trying to sell you something.


  The reality of the situation is that sometimes, you just can't wriggle out

  of answering this question — not if you want to stay a viable candidate for the



  But, that doesn't mean that you should name your price right away.


  You might be able to get the hiring manager to focus on the future, not the

  past, and that's what you're hoping for.


  If you've ever participated in an interview process, you know why it's a

  bad idea to name your salary history or potential salary range right off the

  bat. It hems you in, either pricing you out of contention or costing you money

  that you didn't know you could get.


  Over time, these missteps can add up. If you miss out on $5,000 a year

  every time you negotiate salary, it could add up to hundreds of thousands of

  dollars over the course of a lifetime.


  Here are a few ways to conduct your salary negotiation so that you avoid

  directly answering the salary history question:


  Be willing to enter a blank.


  You don't even need to set foot in the interview room to confront the

  salary history question; many companies put it right up front, in their online

  application process. To get around this, leave the current salary/requirements

  box blank. If the field is mandatory, enter a dash or 0.


  It's a bit of a gamble, but a small one. If your qualifications are good,

  most recruiters will at least give you a phone call to determine if your

  expectations are in range with their budget. Then, even if you're eventually

  forced to name your price, you'll at least have a chance to find out more about

  the job first.


  If not answering that question on an online form knocks you out of

  contention, you have to ask yourself if you'd really be happy working for a

  company that insists on putting you at such a disadvantage, without even giving

  you the chance to gather enough information to name a more appropriate salary



  Turn the question back on the recruiter.


  There's a budget for the position for which you're interviewing — count on

  it. If the hiring manager or recruiter asks you for your salary history, ask for

  their range instead.


  In PayScale's Salary Negotiation Guide, negotiation expert Katie Donovan

  suggests a potential script:

  谈判专家Katie Donovan在PayScale所出版的《薪资谈判指南》中预设了一个这样的场景

  You may hear the classic, "Well, I don't want to waste your time. Knowing

  your pay helps me determine if we are in the same compensation ballpark." As I

  learned on day one while working at a staffing firm, no job is truly open

  without approval and a budget. Your response should be, "Oh, well I assume this

  job has been approved and budgeted. What's the budget for the job and I can let

  you know if we are in the ballpark?" Many recruiters answer this question and

  you can move on to your qualifications for the job.


  Come prepared with questions about the job description.


  Even though you're hoping not to blink first, you should come prepared with

  a salary range in mind — but more importantly, you should come with questions

  about the job and its duties.


  Why? Because you can't go by job title alone, or even necessarily the job

  description in the listing, to help you figure out what you'll be doing all day

  if you get the job. Job titles vary considerably from company to company. One

  company's social media guru is another's marketing intern. To figure out an

  accurate range, you need to know what will be expected of you in the role.


  Bring a range that focuses on the job, not on your history.


  Once you know what the job entails, you'll be able to include that

  information in your research, and come up with a more appropriate range.

  Remember: it doesn't matter what you've earned in the past. It matters what you

  can do for this employer, and how much that's worth now and in the future.


  Reframe the question.


  "The best thing you can do when an interviewer asks about your salary

  history is to reframe the question into what salary range you're seeking,"

  writes Alison Green of Ask a Manager atU.S. News. "After all, this is the more

  pertinent question! For instance: "I'm looking for a range of $45,000 to

  $55,000." In some cases, this answer will be accepted and the conversation will

  move on."

  “当面试官提问你薪资历史的时候,你最应该做的就是把问题重新组织,成为你所期待的薪资范围,”Alison Green,在《美国新闻与世界报道》的Ask



  If that doesn't work, Green suggests saying that you keep that information

  confidential. One thing you should never do, she says, is lie. Hiring managers

  have only to ask for your W-2s to find out whether you're telling the truth.



本文关键字: 面试英语口语



