(本节目中的视频资源于 2024 年 4 月拍摄。)
Venice's €5 entry fee: Would you still come to visit? 威尼斯收 5 欧元 “进城费”:你还愿意来观光吗?
Venice – glorious, unique and creaking under the weight of mass tourism.
30 million visitors a year, two thirds of them day-trippers, crowding the same sights at the same times, pushing out the locals.
每年接纳 3000 万名游客,其中三分之二是当天往返的一日游游客,这些游客在同一时间参观同一个景点,给当地居民的生活造成了拥堵。
So, a new way to tackle it – a €5 entry fee from today – the world's first such scheme. Residents and overnight tourists are among those exempt in controls across Venice.
因此,解决这个问题的新方法是从今天起向游客收取 5 欧元的 “进城费”,威尼斯成为世界上首个对游客收取 “进城费” 的城市。当地居民和过夜游客都无需交费。
Mark Lowen, BBC reporter
"So, this is how it works. I've entered the city at the main train station. I go to the payment website, find the €5 fee for today, click through and enter my name and credit card details. So, I get a QR code. I come through and have it scanned. It shows that I've paid. I can enter the city and avoid a fine of about €300."
马克·洛文 BBC通讯员
“购票进城的流程是这样的。我从火车站出来进入了威尼斯,在 ‘进城费’ 支付网站上找到今天的日期,费用是 5 欧元,点击进去输入我的姓名和信用卡信息。交费后得到一个二维码。我扫一下码,显示我已付款。这样我就可以进城了,同时也不会因未交费而被处以 300 欧元的罚款。”
Visitor 1
"It's a good idea to make money. I don’t know if people will like it and want to keep coming to pay."
Visitor 2
"I would probably try to change my travel dates to make it a little more smooth… to avoid the fee, yeah."
“我可能会尝试改变旅行日期,让行程更顺利一点,同时也避免交 ‘进城费’。”
Visitor 3
"I think if it can help with their infrastructure or whatever else they may have a need for, then I think that would be great."
游客 3
“我觉得如果对游客收 ‘进城费’ 能帮助威尼斯改善基础设施或任何可能需要提高的地方,那这个方案很好。”
The authorities say it's a trial until July that could be extended in price and duration.
威尼斯官方表示,试行阶段持续到 7 月,不排除未来提高费用和延长收费时段。
Simone Venturini, Venice's tourism councillor
"It's very important for us to discourage the day-trippers and to know in advance how many people will visit Venice so we can arrange all the services, the transport, the cleaning of the city. A lot of cities in Europe, most of all, are affected by over tourism."
西蒙尼·文图里尼 威尼斯市旅游事务议员
Mark Lowen, BBC reporter
"So, do you think you will be a guinea pig, if you like, but for other cities?"
马克·洛文 BBC通讯员
“威尼斯是扮演 ‘小白鼠’ 的角色来为其它城市做实验?”
Simone Venturini, Venice's tourism councillor
"Yes, it's not the most beautiful role, but I think, yes."
西蒙·文图里尼 威尼斯市旅游事务议员
But the tide of critics is growing, like environmental scientist Jane Da Mosto.
但反对收取 “进城费” 的呼声越来越高,环境科学家简·达·莫斯托就是其中之一。
She's lived here for 30 years and seen the number of residents drop to record lows in a city threatened by tourism and climate change.
她在威尼斯生活了 30 年,看着这里的居民数量降至历史最低点,同时目睹了威尼斯受到旅游业的影响和气候变化的威胁。
Jane Da Mosto, Environmental scientist
"A €5 ticket is less than the cost of a drink at a bar. I think we know enough about what's happening to not need to do experiments. We just need to get on and address the real issues of protecting Venice and making it a better place to live."
简·达·莫斯托 环境科学家
“5 欧元的 ‘进城费’ 比在酒吧喝一杯还便宜。我认为我们对问题有足够的了解,不需要做实验。我们只需要着手解决实际问题,保护威尼斯,让它成为一个更适合居住的地方。”
So, this historic city grapples with an Instagram-era problem as Venetians wait to see if this scheme can save their increasingly fragile jewel.