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Forever chemicals “永久性化学物” 是什么?

分享到: 2024-07-09 11:30:11 BBC英语教学

摘要:Forever chemicals “永久性化学物” 是什么?


Forever chemicals “永久性化学物” 是什么?

我们每个人的体内或多或少都含有 “永久化学物”,这些化学物质还会在人体内不断地积累。许多日常生活用品中都含有这种有害化学物质,比如不粘锅、防油食物包装、防水衣物。“永久化学物” 与很多严重疾病之间存在联系。本文介绍什么是永久性化学物、它的危害以及减少接触这种物质的方法。

词汇:chemicals 化学物,化学制品

Almost all of us have them in our body, they accumulate throughout our lives and they may be causing serious health conditions. They've been called 'forever chemicals', but what are they, where do they come from, and what can we do about them?

'Forever chemicals' take their name from the fact that they contain fluorine-carbon bonds, and because they last, if not forever, for a very long time. These chemical bonds are incredibly difficult to break down, which means that contaminants from these chemicals build up over time in our environment. As well as in our bodies, they've been found in the soil and in drinking water.

While some have now been banned, these chemicals have been used in a wide range of consumer products. They have a repellent effect on oil and water and so have been used for stain-proofing furniture and carpets. Forever chemicals have been used to make non-stick pans and grease-proof food packaging. You can find them in waterproof clothing and bicycle lubricants. Particular concern has been raised about their use in cosmetics and other personal care products. These products are often used near mucous membranes, like those in our eyes and mouths, which could make it easier for chemicals to be absorbed into our bodies.

The exact level of risk is uncertain, but studies have suggested links between these compounds and conditions such as cancer, reproduction problems, developmental problems in children, and reduced immunity to disease. However, the level of exposure at which people become at risk is not yet clear.

It may be impossible to completely avoid these chemicals, but people can take steps to reduce their exposure. Air and water filters, as well as reducing the amount of dust in our living spaces is one way to do this. Another way is to carefully check the ingredients of cosmetics as well as the materials in carpets and furniture before buying them.


accumulate 积聚,堆积
bond (化学)键
break down 分解
contaminant 污染物
build up (逐渐)积累
consumer product 消费品
repellent effect 驱避作用
stain-proof 作防污处理
non-stick (厨具)不粘食物的
grease-proof 防油的
waterproof 防水的
lubricant 润滑油,润滑剂
cosmetics 化妆品
personal care product 个人护理产品
mucous membrane 黏膜
absorb 吸收
compound 化合物
developmental problem 发育问题
immunity 免疫,免疫力
exposure 暴露,接触
filter 过滤器


1. 阅读课文并回答问题。

1. What kind of chemical bonds do forever chemicals have?

2. Why do forever chemicals last for so long?

3. Where have contaminants from forever chemicals been found?

4. Why is there particular concern about forever chemicals in cosmetics?

5. What should people check carefully when they buy things?

2. 选择意思恰当的单词或词组来完成下列句子。

1. Chemical _______ hold different molecules together.

contaminants cosmetics bonds exposures

2. If chemicals are not disposed of properly, they can become _______.

filters contaminants bonds compounds

3. _______ makes furniture easier to clean.

Non-stick Lubricant Filter Stain-proofing

4. Using a _______ keeps a machine running smoothly.

compound lubricant contaminant cosmetic

5. Hiking equipment should be _______ to protect you from bad weather.

grease-proof non-stick stain-proof waterproof


1. 阅读课文并回答问题。

1. What kind of chemical bonds do forever chemicals have?

Forever chemicals contain fluorine-carbon bonds.

2. Why do forever chemicals last for so long?

Forever chemicals last for a long time because fluorine-carbon bonds are very difficult to break down.

3. Where have contaminants from forever chemicals been found?

Contaminants from forever chemicals have been found in people's bodies, in drinking water and in the soil.

4. Why is there particular concern about forever chemicals in cosmetics?

As cosmetics are often used near mucous membranes, it may be easier for chemicals to be absorbed into our bodies.

5. What should people check carefully when they buy things?

People should carefully check the ingredients of cosmetics that they buy as well as the materials used in carpets and furniture.

2. 选择意思恰当的单词或词组来完成下列句子。

1. Chemical bonds hold different molecules together.

2. If chemicals are not disposed of properly, they can become contaminants.

3. Stain-proofing makes furniture easier to clean.

4. Using a lubricant keeps a machine running smoothly.

5. Hiking equipment should be waterproof to protect you from bad weather.
