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包含单词 way 的固定搭配

分享到: 2024-07-26 18:23:10 BBC英语教学

摘要:包含单词 way 的固定搭配


包含单词 way 的固定搭配


在表示具体实物时,“way” 作名词,指 “路,道路”。搭配 “stand in one's way” 的意思是 “挡路,挡道”,它的引申含义是什么?“迷路” 可以用 “lose one's way” 来表达,那么 “找到去某处的路” 应该用哪个包含了 “way” 的搭配来表达?看视频,学习包含 “way” 的固定搭配。


1. “Stand in one's way” 的意思是 “挡路,挡道”。它的引申义是 “妨碍、阻碍某人(达成目标)”。

  • Can you stop standing in my way? I need to move past you.

  • Focus on your own goal and don't let anyone stand in your way.

2. “Lose one's way” 的意思是 “迷路,走失”。它的引申义为 “迷茫的,不知所措的”。

  • Martha lost her way a bit after university.

  • I lost my way to the theatre, so I had to ask someone on the street to show me.

3. “Find one's way” 的意思是 “找到去某处的路”。它的引申义为 “找到方向,想清楚”。

  • But, once she became clear on her goals, she found her way to her dream job.

  • Even though he's only 6 years old, the little boy could find his way to the school by himself.

4. “Go out of one's way” 的意思是 “特意、不遗余力地做某事”。

  • Mum always goes out of her way to help me when I need her.

  • We hope you go out of your way to improve your English with our videos.
