
2024-07-30 11:09:00来源:网络


  Listen, there is not a girl in this world who hasn't run out the door without breakfast or chosen to spend lunch-hour finishing last night's homework instead of eating a lame cafeteria meal. And you know what? That's probably NBD, because life is hectic. And sometimes, you're legit not hungry. But when your decision to bypass breakfast or ditch out on dinner is maybe driven by a sneaky little diet thought ("well, cutting a few calories can't be SO bad... ") your one-time choice could spiral into a habit that can hurt you. "Skipping meals isn't just a gateway to eating disorders like anorexia - it's also one of the biggest predictors of overeating and unhealthy weight gain," explains Kimberli McCallum, a psychiatrist in St. Louis. Here's *exactly* how your body rebels as you push it closer and closer to starvation mode - and why eating healthy meals/snacks when you're hungry is the only way to go.

  听着,世界上的每个女孩儿都曾经不吃早饭就出门或是在午餐时间完成前一夜未完成的作业,而不是去吃差劲的自助餐。你知道吗?也许这倒是个不错的主意呢,因为生活一直都是忙忙碌碌的。有时候,你就是不饿啊。但也许不吃早饭或晚饭的决定是因为你想通过饮食瘦身("毕竟,少摄入一点热量不会有什么问题的……")但一时的决定可能会转变成对你造成伤害的习惯。"不吃饭不仅仅是通往厌食症的大门--而且也是暴饮暴食和不健康体重增加的最主要因素之一,"圣路易斯的精神科医生Kimberli McCallum解释道。当你的身体越来越接近挨饿模式时,你的身体会做出抗议--为什么在饥饿时吃健康的饭菜或零食是唯一的出路呢?

  1. Your brain stops to run.

  1. 你的大脑停止运转。

  Let's say that last night you made acquaintance with a delicious pepperoni-and-pineapple pizza … and consequently pushed it a slice (or two) past your usual limits. So to compensate, you think: "Bright idea, I'll skip lunch!" But even after missing a single meal, your body is all like, HELL NO. And your blood sugar takes a dramatic nosedive - dragging your ability to think straight right along with it. "Your brain runs primarily on glucose," explains Kristin Kirkpatrick, RD, manager of wellness nutrition services at the Cleveland Clinic. "When there isn't enough sugar in your blood to pull from, you lose your ability to focus." In other words, your brain straight-up can't function. If you fall deeper into a diet, it gets even worse.


  2. Feeling hangry is very, very real.

  2. 饿到生气确有其事。

  Ever notice how you get stabby when you're starving? Much like your concentration, your mood plummets along with your blood sugar - turning you into a snap-at-everything mess who also lacks the literal brainpower (see above) to realize she's being a beast. But it gets even worse if you continue missing meals.



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