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Elephant gathering at Minneriya resumes after five years

分享到: 2024-08-30 15:20:59 BBC英语教学

摘要:Elephant gathering at Minneriya resumes after five years 米内日亚时隔 5 年重新迎来象群聚集


Elephant gathering at Minneriya resumes after five years 米内日亚时隔 5 年重新迎来象群聚集


Elephant gathering at Minneriya resumes after five years 米内日亚时隔 5 年重新迎来象群聚集


Dr. Sumith Pilapitiya, researcher and environmental specialist
"The 'Great Elephant Gathering' at Minneriya is the largest gathering of Asian elephants in the world. It's a seasonal event that starts somewhere around the middle of May, and goes on till the middle to end of October."

苏米斯·皮拉皮蒂亚博士 研究员和环境学专家
“米内日亚的 ‘象群大集聚’ 是世界上规模最大的亚洲象聚集行为。聚集通常开始于五月中旬左右,并一直持续到十月中旬或下旬。”

Recently, large herds of 100 to 200 elephants can be seen in Minneriya National Park in north-central Sri Lanka.

近期,多个由 100 至 200 头大象组成的象群出现在斯里兰卡中北部地区的米内日亚国家公园。

Colin, Tourist from the UK
"We saw maybe about 150 Asian elephants. We've never had this kind of experience in the world ever before."

科林 英国游客
“我们看到了 150 头左右的亚洲象。我们从未在其它地方有过类似的体验。”

During the dry season, these elephants gather near the park's lake.


However, the grasslands have been submerged for five years due to a new reservoir project.


This year, the elephants are back because authorities have stopped releasing the water onto the grasslands.


Today, only 13 Asian countries, including Sri Lanka, still have elephants in the wild.

时至今日,只有包括斯里兰卡在内的 13 个亚洲国家依然保有野生的象群。

Among them, Sri Lanka now has the highest density of Asian elephants, with an estimated population of 5,800.

其中,斯里兰卡的亚洲象分布是最稠密的,数量也达到了约 5800 头。

Dr Sumith Pilapitiya, researcher and environmental specialist
"I'm really hopeful that by the time we go to August, [or] September, we would have reached the height of the gathering, and we might see between 350 to 400 elephants."

苏米斯·皮拉皮蒂亚博士 研究员和环境学专家
“我很期待到了八、九月份的时候,大象的群聚能到达高峰期,这样我们就可能会见到 350 到 400 头大象。”
