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What happens to beached whales? 鲸鱼搁浅对我们有何启示?

分享到: 2024-09-06 16:15:31 BBC英语教学

摘要:What happens to beached whales? 鲸鱼搁浅对我们有何启示?


What happens to beached whales? 鲸鱼搁浅对我们有何启示?


词汇: whales 鲸鱼

In July 2024, a pod of 77 pilot whales washed up on a beach in Orkney, Scotland. It was the largest mass stranding of whales in Scotland for decades. Scientists don't know exactly why whales beach themselves. One theory is that climate change is driving whales' food closer to the shoreline, where they then get stuck as the tide goes out. If a single animal is found, it is usually because it is sick or has been injured.

In the Orkney stranding, 12 of the whales were still alive when they became beached. When this happens, marine organisations assess whether a whale can be safely refloated. Professionals and members of the community often come together, cover the animal in wet sheets and pour buckets of water over it, though not the blowhole, until the animal drifts back out to the ocean. Though it's not always a happy ending.

For those that don't survive, a post-mortem examination is often carried out. Dr Brownlow of the Scottish Marine Animal Stranding Scheme told the BBC that these can reveal a lot about the whale's life and the reasons why it was beached. In 2024, a very rare species of whale turned up on a beach in New Zealand – a spade-toothed whale. While this is sad, the carcass was dissected in order to help researchers acquire new information about the species. "From a scientific and conservation point of view, this is huge", Gabe Davies, a Department of Conservation official, said.

Some beached whales who don't survive have their skeletons sent to museums, while many others are returned to the water. This ensures the marine environment benefits because whale carcasses give off many nutrients. "When they fall and die and sink to the bottom of the ocean, they form these little nutrient-rich islands that can support a huge diversity of life", says Dr Brownlow.

The more research that can be done, the better. For now, we can only do what we can to keep our oceans clean and safe.


pod (海洋动物或鸟类的)一小群
pilot whale 巨头鲸
wash up 被海浪冲上岸
mass stranding 集体搁浅
beach 使……被困在海滩上
shoreline 海岸线
tide 潮水
marine 与海洋相关的,海洋的
refloat (搁浅后)再度浮起
blowhole (鲸类动物的)喷气孔
drift out 漂走
post-mortem examination 尸检
spade-toothed whale 铲齿中喙鲸
carcass 尸体
dissect 解剖
conservation (对动植物或自然环境的)保护
skeleton 骨架
nutrient-rich 营养丰富的
diversity 多样性


1. 阅读课文并回答问题。

1. What was surprising about the Orkney whale stranding?

2. True or False? Scientists are certain that climate change is causing more whales to be beached.

3. What do professionals avoid doing when refloating a whale?

4. What happened to the spade-toothed whale carcass?

5. Why can returning whales to the water be good for other ocean life?

2. 选择意思恰当的单词或词组来完成下列句子。

1. Wow! There are more than 30 whales in this _______.

pod blow hole carcass skeleton

2. They carried out a _______ examination to find out the cause of death.

conservation diversity stranding post-mortem

3. They tried to push the animal back out to sea after it _______ itself.

dissected drifted out beached washed up

4. I work for a _______ organisation that helps keep oceans safe for wildlife.

nutrient-rich spade-toothed marine beached

5. I love walking my dog along the _______ at sunset.

shoreline climate change whale tide


1. 阅读课文并回答问题。

1. What was surprising about the Orkney whale stranding?

It was the largest mass stranding of whales in Scotland for decades.

2. True or False? Scientists are certain that climate change is causing more whales to be beached.

False. It's a theory, but scientists don't know exactly why whales beach themselves.

3. What do professionals avoid doing when refloating a whale?

They do not pour water into the blow hole.

4. What happened to the spade-toothed whale carcass?

The carcass was dissected in order to help researchers acquire new information about the species.

5. Why can returning whales to the water be good for other ocean life?

Because "they form these little nutrient-rich islands that can support a huge diversity of life", says Dr Brownlow.

2. 选择意思恰当的单词或词组来完成下列句子。

1. Wow! There are more than 30 whales in this pod.

2. They carried out a post-mortem examination to find out the cause of death.

3. They tried to push the animal back out to sea after it beached itself.

4. I work for a marine organisation that helps keep oceans safe for wildlife.

5. I love walking my dog along the shoreline at sunset.
