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Clutch at straws 抓救命稻草

分享到: 2024-09-06 16:49:20 BBC英语教学

摘要:Clutch at straws 抓救命稻草,“Clutch at straws(抓救命稻草)” 并不是指真的用手 “clutch(紧握)” 一束 “straws(稻草)”,而是比喻为摆脱困境,选择并不可靠的解决方法的行为。


Clutch at straws 抓救命稻草


“Clutch at straws(抓救命稻草)” 并不是指真的用手 “clutch(紧握)” 一束 “straws(稻草)”,而是比喻为摆脱困境,选择并不可靠的解决方法的行为。“Clutch at straws” 在口语中还可以用来表示某人的观点缺乏说服力,显得只是急于表达自己的想法。听节目,学习 “clutch at straws” 的用法。


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大家好,欢迎收听 BBC 英语教学的 “地道英语” 节目。在每期节目中,我们都会介绍一个英语母语人士或讲英语流利的人会用到的表达。I'm Feifei, and I'm joined by Georgie.

Hi everyone.

在这期节目中,我们要来学习一个成语 “clutch at straws”。我和 Georgie 将先用英语为大家讲解 “clutch at straws” 的用法,最后再由我用汉语进行归纳总结。

So, Feifei, how are you doing?

I'm very well, thank you. What about you?

Yes, I'm good, thank you. Now, in this programme we're looking at the idiom 'clutch at straws'. Ever heard of this one, Feifei?

Yes, I have, it's actually quite common. So, the verb 'clutch' means to hold something tightly with your hands. And 'straws' – Georgie, are we talking about the long, hollow tubes we use to drink things?

No, this idiom comes from an old proverb where 'straws' is actually a thin plant that grows near a river. If you're clutching at straws, you're trying to save yourself from drowning in the river.

I didn't know that! But that helps us to understand its metaphorical meaning. We use 'clutch at straws' when someone is trying to improve a difficult situation, using methods that are a bit desperate and don't seem likely to work. Let's hear some examples.

I was doing a marathon, and I needed some people to sponsor me, but no one was giving me money, so, I was really clutching at straws, and I had to go to my neighbour instead.

So, in my French class, we had to give a presentation on something interesting, and everyone had really good ideas, and I couldn't think of anything. So, I was really clutching at straws.

It was one day before Christmas Eve, and I had nothing in my fridge! In the end I had to serve everyone with beans on toast… I was really clutching at straws there.

So, we've heard examples of people trying to fix a situation by doing something desperate or extreme, but we also often use it when people say things that are a bit desperate, usually during an argument. If their reasons for something are weak and a bit desperate, we can say they are clutching at straws.

Yes, and Feifei… I know I've only been at work for an hour, and I haven't done much, but I already need a break. Do you think I deserve one?

I think you're clutching at straws a bit there, Georgie. Here is another example. My son ate all his vegetables at dinner last night, and afterwards, he asked me whether he could delay his bedtime till midnight!

Oh, sounds like he was clutching at straws, but it was worth a try!

It was. OK, let's recap.

成语 “clutch at straws” 的意思是 “抓救命稻草”。这个成语用来比喻在非常困难的情况下其实已经走投无路,但为了摆脱困境开始选择看似有效却并不靠谱的做法和解决方案,就像不小心掉进河里的时候想靠岸边纤细的稻草 “straws” 来把自己拉上岸。比如,你的电脑打不开了,写好的论文没法提交,于是你打算自己拆开电脑来修理,你的朋友就可能劝你 “Hey, stop clutching at straws, you are going to break it!” 意思就是 “别病急乱投医,你可能会彻底弄坏电脑的!” 除此之外,“clutch at straws” 还可以用来形容某人抛出的论点经不起推敲,显得只是急于找到借口。

OK, remember to come back next time for another useful English phrase.

Thanks for joining us. Bye!

