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Scotland's stunning bogland awarded UNESCO World Heritage

分享到: 2024-09-06 16:58:37 BBC英语教学

摘要:Scotland's stunning bogland awarded UNESCO World Heritage 苏格兰弗罗湿地被列入联合国教科文组织世界遗产名录


Scotland's stunning bogland awarded UNESCO World Heritage 苏格兰弗罗湿地被列入联合国教科文组织世界遗产名录


Scotland's stunning bogland awarded UNESCO World Heritage 苏格兰弗罗湿地区被列入联合国教科文组织世界遗产名录


The landscape of the Flow Country is truly epic stretching across virtually the whole of the North Highlands.


But to really understand it, you need to get in real close.


It's only then you see some of the 29 different bog building moss species.

只有那样,你才能看到形成这片湿地的 29 种苔藓中的一些。

There are carnivorous plants here including these sundews. And all these plant life supports lots of insect species.


Then there are all the rare birds and other animals in this extraordinary place.


Milly Revill Hayward, RSPB Scotland
"The Flow Country represents five percent of all blanket bog resource in the world, but it's also in really good condition compared to other places. So it is a brilliant, brilliant example of what a blanket bog can look like and the type of species you can find here."

米莉·雷维尔·海沃德 苏格兰皇家鸟类保护协会工作人员

And that is not the only thing that makes this ecosystem unique.


Justin Rowlatt, BBC Reporter
"These peat bogs are also an incredible store of carbon, aren't they, Milly?"

贾斯汀·罗拉特 BBC 通讯员

Milly Revill Hayward, RSPB Scotland

"They are. They are amazing. In the Flow Country alone, we have more than 400 million tonnes of carbon stored here. It's incredible!"

米莉·雷维尔·海沃德 苏格兰皇家鸟类保护协会工作人员

Justin Rowlatt, BBC Reporter
"So 400 million tonnes, just to put that in perspective, it's very roughly twice the amount of carbon stored in all the trees in the UK. And we can show you why, can't we? Look at this! Look at this. This will show you why there is so much carbon, just look how deep this bog is. And this isn't even… Six meters and in some of the remote part of the bog, the peat is ten meters deep, isn't it? Ten metres deep."

贾斯汀·罗拉特 BBC 通讯员

There is restoration work underway to repair damage from conifer plantations.


This is a broch, an almost three-thousand-year-old dwelling place.


Rebecca Tanner, Flow Country World Heritage Project Coordinator
"It's a really ancient landscape!"

丽贝卡·坦纳 弗罗湿地世界遗产项目协调员

The bid team say World Heritage status would bring huge benefit to the area.


Rebecca Tanner, Flow Country World Heritage Project Coordinator
"It's going to bring a lot more jobs because obviously there will be more restoration activities going on. There will also be a real boom in tourism, and finally there will be more research done, so better understanding on how to manage and how to protect these ecosystems going forward."

丽贝卡·坦纳 弗罗湿地世界遗产项目协调员

Getting World Heritage status is great news for this place but also for peatlands worldwide, bringing bogs the international acclaim they deserve.

