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Rewilding: letting nature come back to life

分享到: 2024-09-14 13:35:53 BBC英语教学

摘要:Rewilding: letting nature come back to life “再野化”:让自然生态环境重焕生机


Rewilding: letting nature come back to life “再野化”:让自然生态环境重焕生机

人类真的是一个非常了不起的物种。我们通过进化已经基本适应了地球上的各种环境,并通过城市和乡村建立起了我们的文明。然而,在这个过程中,人类往往忽略了环境保护的重要性。为了应对气候变化和生物多样性的丧失,环保主义者们正在鼓励人们重新 “再野化” 我们的环境。本篇文章介绍什么是 “再野化” 以及它对环境的影响。

词汇:rewilding 再野化

Humankind has developed so much that urban sprawl and intensive agriculture now dominate our landscapes. Unfortunately, with that comes the threat of climate change and a loss of biodiversity. What if we could return these landscapes to places that teem with wildlife, with ecosystems thriving as they did centuries ago? Since the 1980s, the concept of rewilding has increased in popularity. But what exactly is it, and what are the keys to its success?

Put simply, rewilding is a technique that returns landscapes to a wilder, more natural state. It often involves reintroducing plants or animals that used to live there, but now don't. Not-for-profit organisation Rewilding Europe says rewilding is "about letting nature take care of itself, enabling natural processes to shape land and sea, repair damaged ecosystems and restore degraded landscapes." So, unlike traditional conservation techniques, the aim is to reduce the need for human intervention once the programme has been set up.

In a 2021 article called 'Guiding principles for rewilding', one suggestion is to introduce plants, prey animals, and fungi first, so that when the top predator is introduced, they have an appropriate habitat to support them. Other tips are more people focused. Even though rewilding is about reducing human presence in ecosystems, that doesn't mean we should be excluded from nature. The authors encourage compassion and learning from nature, rather than dominating it. They also say that, to avoid fear amongst rural communities that their farmland will be taken away, and that new predators will endanger their livestock, local people should be included so they have some control over the process and can directly benefit from it.

Alex Stevenson owns Jordan's Farm in Essex, England and is rewilding her fields, hoping to help the ecosystem thrive. She says, "I am rewilding to look after nature and to give life back to the soil" and adds, "you have to value nature because nature sustains us – we are part of it."


urban sprawl 城市扩张
agriculture 农业
landscape 景观,环境
biodiversity 生物多样性
teem with 充满
ecosystem 生态系统
thrive 蓬勃发展
wild 野生的
shape 塑造
degraded 退化的
conservation 保护
prey 猎物,被捕食的动物
fungi 菌类
predator 捕食性动物
habitat 栖息地
rural 农村的
livestock 牲畜
soil 土地


1. 阅读课文并回答问题。

1. What negative impacts are associated with urban sprawl and intensive agriculture?

2. According to Rewilding Europe, what is the goal of rewilding?

3. True or False? In 'Guiding principles for rewilding', the authors suggest introducing the top predator first.

4. Instead of dominating nature, what do the authors suggest we do with it?

5. What are two fears that people from rural communities might have about rewilding?

2. 选择意思恰当的单词或词组来完成下列句子。

1. Healthy _______ is the foundation of successful agriculture.

landscape ecosystem biodiversity soil

2. The coral reefs _______ with colourful fish and other marine creatures.

conserve degrade teem sprawl

3. _______ like lions are essential for maintaining a healthy ecosystem.

Predators Prey Livestock Fungi

4. The _______ landscapes in the national park are a sanctuary for many species.

rewild wild agriculture urban

5. With the right conditions, urban green spaces can allow wildlife to _______.

thrive thrived thriving thriver


1. 阅读课文并回答问题。

1. What negative impacts are associated with urban sprawl and intensive agriculture?

Urban sprawl and intensive agriculture contribute to climate change and a loss of biodiversity.

2. According to Rewilding Europe, what is the goal of rewilding?

Rewilding Europe says rewilding is "about letting nature take care of itself, enabling natural processes to shape land and sea, repair damaged ecosystems and restore degraded landscapes."

3. True or False? In 'Guiding principles for rewilding', the authors suggest introducing the top predator first.

False. The authors suggest introducing plants, prey animals, and fungi first, so that when the top predator is introduced, they have an appropriate habitat to support them.

4. Instead of dominating nature, what do the authors suggest we do with it?

Instead of dominating nature, the authors suggest we have compassion for, and learn from nature.

5. What are two fears that people from rural communities might have about rewilding?

People from rural communities might have fears that their farmland will be taken away, and that new predators will endanger their livestock.

2. 选择意思恰当的单词或词组来完成下列句子。

1. Healthy soil is the foundation of successful agriculture.

2. The coral reefs teem with colourful fish and other marine creatures.

3. Predators like lions are essential for maintaining a healthy ecosystem.

4. The wild landscapes in the national park are a sanctuary for many species.

5. With the right conditions, urban green spaces can allow wildlife to thrive.
