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包含单词 “area” 的常见搭配

分享到: 2024-09-14 13:56:13 BBC英语教学

摘要:包含单词 “area” 的常见搭配,名词 “area” 的意思包括 “地区、区域”,既可以指 “一片很大的地理区域范围”,也可以指 “一个小而具体的地方”。


包含单词 “area” 的常见搭配


名词 “area” 的意思包括 “地区、区域”,既可以指 “一片很大的地理区域范围”,也可以指 “一个小而具体的地方”。包含单词 “area” 的常用搭配有哪些?来看主持人 Georgie 带来的视频讲解。


1. “Live in an area” 住在一个地区

  • I live in an urban area, but when I'm older, I think I'll move to a rural area.

  • Many families choose to live in an area with good schools and parks for their children.

2. “Move to an area” 搬到一个地区

  • Many young professionals decide to move to an area with better job opportunities and vibrant nightlife.

  • After retiring, they decided to move to an area with a warmer climate and a slower pace of life.

3. “Leave an area” 离开、搬离一个地区

  • There was a horrible smell of burning in the kitchen, so I decided to leave the area.

  • As the storm approached, residents were advised to leave an area prone to flooding.

4. “Move away from an area” 从一个地区搬走

  • The city centre was becoming increasingly polluted, so Martha moved away from the area with her family.

  • To protect the fragile ecosystem, the conservation group advised visitors to move away from the restricted areas.

5. “Cover an area” 覆盖一片区域,覆盖范围

  • The new Wi-Fi system covers an area of five kilometres.

  • The search and rescue team covered an area of 50 kilometres in just two days.
