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Great Barrier Reef: new study reveals threat of climate change

分享到: 2024-09-23 10:46:25 BBC英语教学

摘要:Great Barrier Reef: new study reveals threat of climate change 新研究指出气候变化对大堡礁造成威胁


Great Barrier Reef: new study reveals threat of climate change 新研究指出气候变化对大堡礁造成威胁


The Great Barrier Reef is Earth's largest collection of coral reefs, and it's home to thousands of marine species.


This alarming new evidence comes from inside the coral itself. Over many years, marine scientists have collected cores – samples drilled out of the skeletons of coral – that provide clues about how the environment in the reef is changing. Corals are animals that can live for centuries, and as they grow, they lay down chemical signals in their bodies that indicate the temperature of the water they're in.


Researchers in Australia re-examined thousands of these cores and cross referenced them with historical sea temperature records. The oldest of the samples they studied dated back 400 years before the Industrial Revolution. This revealed that in the past decade, temperatures around the Great Barrier Reef were the warmest of the last four centuries.


Climate change is now driving more extreme and more frequent marine heatwaves that threaten the survival of this ancient reef. The Great Barrier Reef is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and the scientists hope that this research could persuade the UN organisation to give it official endangered status to send a signal to the world about how grave the problem of global warming is for this vast and threatened wonder of the natural world.



coral reefs 珊瑚礁
marine species 海洋生物
alarming 令人担忧的
drilled out 钻取
cross referenced 交叉对比
heatwaves 热浪
threaten 威胁
endangered status 濒危状态
send a signal 发出一个讯号
grave 严峻的
vast 庞大的
wonder 奇观


1. How do coral cores provide information about past environmental conditions?

2. True or False? Corals are plants.

3. What did re-examining the coral cores and cross referencing them with historical sea temperature records reveal?

4. Why do the scientists hope the Great Barrier Reef will be given official endangered status?


1. How do coral cores provide information about past environmental conditions?

As corals grow, they lay down chemical signals in their bodies that indicate the temperature of the water they're in.

2. True or False? Corals are plants.

False. Corals are animals.

3. What did re-examining the coral cores and cross referencing them with historical sea temperature records reveal?

The study revealed that in the past decade, temperatures around the Great Barrier Reef were the warmest of the last four centuries.

4. Why do the scientists hope the Great Barrier Reef will be given official endangered status?

The scientists hope the Great Barrier Reef will be given official endangered status to send a signal to the world about how grave the problem of global warming is for it.
