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Stomping ground 常去的地方

分享到: 2024-09-23 10:58:02 BBC英语教学

摘要:Stomping ground 常去的地方,表达 “stomping ground” 的意思是 “常去的地方”。从童年居住的社区到下班常去的餐馆,只要是我们多次拜访且十分喜欢的地方都可以用 “stomping ground” 来描述。


Stomping ground 常去的地方


表达 “stomping ground” 的意思是 “常去的地方”。从童年居住的社区到下班常去的餐馆,只要是我们多次拜访且十分喜欢的地方都可以用 “stomping ground” 来描述。你的 “stomping ground” 是哪里?一起来学习本期节目中介绍的英语表达 “stomping ground”。


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大家好,欢迎收听 BBC 英语教学的 “地道英语” 节目。在每期节目中,我们都会介绍一个英语母语人士或讲英语流利的人会用到的习惯用语及短语。I'm Feifei.

And I'm Beth.

在这期节目中,我们要学习如何使用 “stomping ground” 这个表达。我和 Beth 将先用英语为大家讲解它的用法,最后再由我用汉语进行归纳总结。

So, Beth, we're learning an expression that your friend said to you recently, aren't we? It's 'stomping ground'.

It is, yes. So, I recently went to Newcastle, that's in the north of England, and I told a friend about my trip and she said, "that's my stomping ground". Now, she goes there a lot because it's where her grandparents live, but I had no idea.

So, she means she is very familiar with Newcastle. 'Stomping ground' is a place. To break it down, 'stomp' means to walk with heavy steps, and ground is the floor. 'Stomping ground' means a place where you live in or spend a lot of time in. Imagine a place you've walked in a lot, just like your friend. So, for example, I went back to my hometown for a holiday recently, and I walked past my primary school, which used to be my stomping ground, and it brought a lot of childhood memories.

Aw, lovely.

Beth, can we use 'stomping ground' for any kind of place?

Well, it does need to be a place that you have a personal connection to. So, another example – I recently saw a picture of the park that I used to play in when I was young, and they've changed everything. The climbing frame's different, the swings are different, and I thought "oh, that was my stomping ground as a kid, and it's all different".

Oh no, what a shame.

Here are some more examples of 'stomping ground'.

I went to the local pub with my brother at the weekend. It was our stomping ground back in the day.

Wow! Imagine seeing you here! I didn't know you lived near here. This is my stomping ground.

I went back to my university town last week. It was nice to walk around the old stomping ground.

Now, 'stomping ground' is often said in reaction to a place that someone mentions, and it can be used when you're surprised. Now, when it's somewhere you used to visit a lot, we can say 'old stomping ground', like we heard in that last example.

So, for example, if I tell you I recently went to Liverpool…

Did you? That's my old stomping ground! I went to university there. So, to recap, we've learnt the expression 'stomping ground' which means a place you live in or have visited often.

英语表达 “stomping ground” 的意思是 “常去的地方,常出没的地方”,它可以是你家的周边,童年玩耍的球场,甚至是常去的餐厅或公园等地方。“Stomp” 的意思是 “用力踩踏”,而 “ground” 就是 “地面” 的意思。想象一下你总是和朋友有说有笑地在同一个地方来来回回、流连忘返,都快能把凹凸不平的地面都踩平整了,那么这个地方就很可能是属于你的 “stomping ground”。在描述自己熟悉的地方时,这个短语的用途非常广泛。比如,当我们在聊天时听到别人去了一个自己也常去的咖啡馆时,就可以说 “I go to that cafe all the time. That's my stomping ground, too!”

And that's all from us. We'll be back next time with another useful English phrase. See you then!

