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One-of-a-kind 1970s super car restored by engineers in the UK

分享到: 2024-09-27 14:58:09 BBC英语教学

摘要:One-of-a-kind 1970s super car restored by engineers in the UK 英国工程师团队修复孤品古董超级跑车


One-of-a-kind 1970s super car restored by engineers in the UK 英国工程师团队修复孤品古董超级跑车


One-of-a-kind 1970s super car restored by engineers in the UK



Using a turbo-charged V8 engine, the Bulldog can reach over 170 miles per hour.

安装了涡轮增压的 V8 发动机,所以 “斗牛犬” 的速度能达到每小时 170 英里以上。

Designed by William Towns, the Aston Martin Bulldog was designed to be the fastest production car on the road in 1979.

由威廉·汤斯设计的这款 “阿斯顿马丁斗牛犬” 超级跑车原本应成为 1979 年时速最快的量产车。

But the intended family of 200mph Bulldogs never materialised, and this model disappeared into obscurity.

但设计时速达到每小时 200 英里的 “斗牛犬” 系列最终并未投产,这个型号也消失在大众的视野中。

40 years later, it was rescued by an American businessman, determined it would finally live up to its potential.


Tim Griffin, Managing Director of Classic Motor Cars Ltd
"It was complete. The engineering aspect of it that Aston Martin had did was pretty much their original. It had been painted an interesting colour. It had been trimmed interestingly. The fundamentals of it were there, just not necessarily working."

蒂姆·格里芬 Classic Motor Cars Ltd(经典轿车公司)总经理

Teams of engineers in Bridgnorth have painstakingly restored the Bulldog, displayed it, and made sure it reached the magical 200mph on a track.

位于布里奇诺斯的多个工程师团队历尽辛苦修复了这辆 “斗牛犬”,把它展示了出来,并确保它能在测试赛道上达到每小时 200 英里的惊人速度。

Tim Griffin, Managing Director of Classic Motor Cars Ltd
"It's been fun. It's been challenging at times, and it's been incredibly rewarding."

蒂姆·格里芬 Classic Motor Cars Ltd(经典轿车公司)总经理

Joan Cummings, BBC correspondent
"And how much is it worth?"

琼·卡明斯 BBC 通讯员

Tim Griffin, Managing Director of Classic Motor Cars Ltd
"It's worth a significant sum of money. It's worth in the millions."

蒂姆·格里芬 Classic Motor Cars Ltd(经典轿车公司)总经理

Now the restored Bulldog and its puppies, an eclectic mix of 1970s concept cars – also designed by Towns – are being flown to their new home and owner in America.

目前,复原后的 “斗牛犬” 和它的 “小狗仔们”,一组设计于上世纪七十年代的不拘一格的概念车,同样由汤斯本人设计,正在被空运到美国,到它们的新主人家中。

Tim Griffin, Managing Director of Classic Motor Cars Ltd
"You get accustomed to seeing it on a daily basis, and we've been fortunate to drive it, and drive it at speed. In a way, it's quite sad to see it go, but on the other hand, it's very exciting that the owner is going to have his car in the States, where he lives and he can get to drive and enjoy it."

蒂姆·格里芬 Classic Motor Cars Ltd(经典轿车公司)总经理

Obviously, this was too good an opportunity to miss, and a spin around the block was offered.


Joan Cummings, BBC correspondent
"This really is a super car. It'll go at more than 200mph. It costs, well, an undisclosed amount, and they won't let me drive it. [I] can't imagine why. "

琼·卡明斯 BBC 通讯员
“这是一辆货真价实的超级跑车。它的时速能达到 200 英里以上。价格嘛,是对外保密的,而且他们不让我试驾。真是想不通。”
