
2024-09-30 09:53:00来源:网络


  Narrator: 欢迎回到我们的节目。这还是 Anna 在 Tip Top 贸易公司上班的第一个周,这家公司是英国最大的水果模型批发商。 How is it going Anna?

  Anna: Everything's still so new to me. I keep needing to ask people for help!

  Narrator: Well, that's only natural at the beginning.

  注意在请别人帮忙时应该使用像 would 和 could 这样的礼貌用语;当然也要用please。不过千万要注意你说话的语气和神态务必要谦虚和有诚意。

  Anna: Er, ok.

  Paul: Hello Anna!

  Anna: Oh hi, Paul!

  Paul: I was wondering if you could do something for me?

  Anna: Yes of course.

  Paul: Would you be able print out a file for me? It's a document on CBL — Convincing Bananas Limited – they're one of our suppliers. The file should be on the system and could I have it in the next ten minutes please, as

  they're on their way here for a meeting?

  Anna: Yes. Oh no, I've no idea how to find it! Tom...?!

  Tom: Er, ask Denise. She should know.

  Anna: Ok, thanks Tom, I'll ask her.

  Denise: (on the phone to Sharon) I'd warned her, you know, I said "Victoria, if you don't change your hairdresser…"

  Anna: Denise?

  Denise: One day you'll. Hold on a moment. Anna?

  Anna: Please email me the background file on CBL.

  Denise: Er!

  Anna: Thank you.

  Denise: (on the phone) Who does that girl think she is?... Anna... new girl... I told you about her... yes with the saucepans, that's the one. She's only been here five minutes and she's already acting like the Queen of Sheba...

  Anna: Oh and Denise, please send it to me within five minutes, Paul needs it soon. Thank you.

  Denise: Well honestly!

  Tom: He he, good to see who's the boss, eh Denise?

  Denise: Really!

  Narrator: Er, Anna, 我想你得罪Denise了? You've upset Denise!

  Anna: Upset Denise?

  Narrator: 你刚才在请 Denise 帮忙的时候不是很礼貌。 You were a bit rude Anna!

  Anna: Was I?

  Narrator: 别忘了我是怎么说的 – 请别人帮忙,仅仅说 please 是不够的,弄不好让人听起来反而很不礼貌。

  Anna: Oh.

  Narrator: 与其说 please send me the file, 不如试着这么说 could you possibly send me the file? 或者 would you mind sending me the file?

  Anna: Oh! English is so confusing! I'll try to remember that. Oh no, the printer isn't even set up! Tom...?

  Tom: Yeah?

  Anna: Please help me with - I mean, could you possibly help me with the printer?

  Tom: Er... I need to finish this email to a very important new client.

  Anna: But it's really urgent. Would you mind writing your email later?

  Tom: Okay, since you asked so nicely. Let's have a look...

  Narrator: 还好。 Anna 及时理解了怎么用 could 和 would 这两个词来请别人帮忙。让我们再来听听着使用这两个词的例句。

  Paul: I was wondering if you could do something for me?

  Paul: Would you be able print out a file for me?

  Paul: Could I have it within ten minutes please?

  Anna: Could you possibly help me with the printer?

  Anna: Would you mind writing your email later?

  Narrator: 打印机好像没问题了。不过Anna 和Denise 能和睦相处吗?该不会从今以后变成敌人了吧?

  Denise: Really! 'Denise do this! Denise do that!' I'm telling you Sharon, I've almost had enough! I get treated like I'm some kind of servant!


  Tom 因为什么原因不能帮助 Anna 解决打印机的问题?


  Tom 在 Tip Top Trading 公司的的职称是什么?

  Tom is Senior Account manager. Tom 是高级财务经理。

  以上就是为大家整理的“日常职场英语白领对话:礼貌的请求 Polite requests”相关内容,更多职场英语口语精彩内容,请关注本频道的持续更新!

本文关键字: 日常职场英语



