
2024-10-03 21:22:00来源:网络


  Narrator: 欢迎回到《白领英语》节目。在上一期节目中我们听到了Anna在电梯里向Paul介绍她的新产品概念。Paul当时正准备去参加饼干迷大会,没多少空闲时间。现在Anna完成了她的电梯游说,但要看 Paul 愿不愿意支持这个想法。问题是他怎么失踪了?

  Tom: Denise, isn't Paul supposed to be here today?

  Denise: Yes. He went to that biscuit-lovers' convention yesterday but he said he'd be back today.

  Tom: Maybe he's eloped with a pack of custard creams, eh?!

  Denise: Very funny Tom. I'll give him a call now (phone rings) …oh, that might be him now. Hello, Tip Top Trading… oh hello Paul, everything OK? …oh no! Oh no!

  Tom: What Denise?

  Denise: (To Tom) He choked on a biscuit at the convention and he's in hospital. (To Paul) Yes Paul, that was Tom… you want to speak to Anna? I'll just get her… get better soon Paul. (To Anna) Anna, Anna, it's Paul on the phone, he wants to speak to you — sounds important.

  Anna: Me? Oh right, can you transfer the call please? Hello Paul, are you OK?

  Paul: (Coughing) Not really. Damn Garibaldi biscuit got wedged in my throat, ended up banging my head on a table trying to get it out.

  Anna: Oh dear, so you're not coming to work today?

  Paul: I'm afraid not, I need to rest for a few days so I was wondering… in fact I'm asking you… could you act up?

  Anna: I've told you before Paul, I can't act… or even sing.

  Paul: No, no, Anna. Act up, I mean do my job for a bit — be the boss — just for a day or two.

  Anna: Me?! Be the boss?!

  Tom/Denise: What?!

  Paul: It's quite easy really. Just check my diary and you'll see what needs doing. And if you have any problems just… erm… just ask Denise. Thanks Anna.

  Narrator: 干的好 Anna. 你有能力做Paul的工作,说不定还比他干得好。你现在得承担起责任show who's the boss!

  Anna: (Sounding unsure) Oh right. But what should I say?

  Narrator: 首先别太咄咄逼人,不过你得告诉大家

  if anyone has any issues about their work, please come and speak to me.

  或者你还可以告诉大家I would like to have a meeting to discuss our work.

  另外,你还可以这么说 if there's anything you want to ask, my door is always open.

  你看这么说的话,就能体现出你是一个随和、平易近人的上司。Good luck!

  Anna: Thanks. (To the office) Right everyone, as you know Paul has put me in charge for a while.

  Tom: I'm not being funny Anna, but why you — I mean I've been here the longest.

  Anna: Tom, if you have any issues about your work, please come and speak to me.

  Tom: Oh right… I will then.

  Denise: Erm… Anna… congratulations on your promotion. I just wondered, now you're in charge, could I do a little less admin and a bit more selling?

  Anna: Let's see Denise. I'd like to have a meeting soon to discuss all our work, so we can talk about it then. OK?

  Denise: Oh yes, thanks Anna.

  Anna: Right then. It's business as usual and if there's anything you want to ask, my door is always open. Right, back to work… and Tom, could I have a word in my office now please?

  Narrator: 做得不错 Anna. 你已经进入了领导的角色了,不过千万别吃饼干上瘾!当领导需要拿出领导风范,要坚持原则,对大家要公平。让我们再听听 Anna 刚才用过的一些表达

  If anyone has any issues about their work please come and speak to me.

  I would like to have a meeting to discuss our work.

  If there is anything you want to ask, my door is always open.

  Anna: Take a seat Tom, could you please close the door?

  Tom: I thought "your door was always open"?

  Anna: Not this time. I need to speak to you about this message in Paul's diary.

  Tom: Oh, right, I see. You need my help? What does it say?

  Anna: It's for two days' time and it says, Socrates, IPC, final.

  Tom: Oh no, that doesn't sound good.

  Narrator: 哎呀,这是什么意思?听起来好像出了问题了?究竟是什么呢?我们下期节目在看吧!再会!


  如今 Anna 当了领导,Denise 想多做哪方面的工作?


  Anna 认为她的新产品能够为公司增加多少利润?


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本文关键字: 日常职场英语



