Anna: Help, help! (Banging on door)
Tom: Help us! We're locked in.
Narrator: Oh, dear. 你还记得 Tom 和 Anna 被反锁在文具柜里了吗? 那可怎么办? 别人会怎么说呢? 我们马上就要知道答案了…
Denise: Goodness, what's that? Anna is that you? And is that you Tom?
Anna: Yes, help! We're locked in.
Denise: Don't panic, I've got the key (unlocks door). There. How on earth…
Tom: …it's not how it looks Denise. We were just… erm…
Anna: …just looking for envelopes.
Denise: Really?!
Anna: Yes, yes, really. The door slammed shut and locked from the inside when Tom walked in.
Tom: Yeah, she's right. Just walked in, shut the door and bang.
Denise: Hmm. Let's just keep it our little secret shall we. (Aside to Anna) I thought you had better taste Anna!
Paul: Ah, there you are Anna, I need a word with you… Oh, you look like you've been caught doing something you shouldn't! Ha ha.
Anna: But I haven't.
Paul: Just joking Anna. Now could you step in to my office, we need to touch base about the European marketing strategy.
Anna: Are we playing baseball?!
Narrator: No Anna! Touch base 是一个比喻。他想和你碰碰面,讨论一下工作进行得怎样了。Go on Anna, let's see what he has to say.
Anna: Oh I see. (Office door shuts) That door doesn't lock does it?
Paul: No, I don't think so. Right Anna. Biscuit? These new peanut ones are quite nice. So how are things, with the project?
Anna: Well, I've done some cold calling and have an order from a company in France.
Paul: I see. Very impressive – but have they signed on the dotted line yet?
Anna: The dotted line?
Paul: Have they actually signed the contract yet?
Anna: Well, no but…
Paul: …that's the problem. There's a rival company who's also targeting the European market called Tutti Fruity - and they'll do anything to steal our customers.
Anna: Oh I see.
Paul: So to keep our head above water, we need a clear strategy… and that's why I've put you in charge. So what shall we do?
Narrator: 我感觉 Paul 好像是一无所知,所以他还指望着你能想出些好主意。
Anna: I think you're right – but I don't know what to say.
Narrator: 告诉他需要把价格压到市场最低价 price the rivals out of the market 这样竞争对手都没法跟你竞争,不得不退出市场。你可以说 corner the market 意思是垄断市场。
Anna: Oh, thanks. That's very useful.
Paul: So Anna, any thoughts?
Anna: Lots Paul. I think we've got to compete on price…
Paul: Oh yes.
Anna: We need to price Tutti Fruity out of the market. We need to corner the market so that everyone knows we are the best choice for good quality, good value plastic fruit.
Paul: I like it!
Anna: And… and…
Narrator: 告诉他和客户建立好的合作关系非常重要 build good relationships with our customers. 给客户们提供好的服务。
Anna: …we need to build good relationships with our customers. Talk to them regularly, send them gifts… go and meet them face-to-face.
Paul: Face-to-face? Yes, great idea – just what I was thinking. If we follow this strategy I reckon there could be a bonus for us all by Christmas.
Narrator: 恭喜你,Anna 干得不错。很有说服力。如果能把你的建议和想法实现的话,那就能挽救公司了。那让我们来复习一下刚才你用到的那些和扩大欧洲市场战略计划有关的词汇和表达…
We've got to compete on price.
We need to price the rivals out of the market.
We need to corner the market.
We need to build good relationships with our customers.
Narrator: 不错,看起来事情进展的还很顺利,不过这会不会仅仅是表面现象?
Denise: Anna! Anna! That man from France has called again and left a message. He's not happy this time. Something about us trying to rip them off!
Anna: What? Rip them off?
Denise: It means overcharging them or giving them poor quality goods.
Anna: That's not fair. I'm going to have to sort this out.
Narrator: That's it Anna! 快去和客户沟通一下,保持良好的合作关系可太重要了。我们下次节目再会。
Paul 告诉 Anna 他想 touch base, 这是什么意思?
法国的公司同意从 Tip Top Trading 购买什么商品?
答案5000 个皇家柠檬。
以上就是为大家整理的“日常职场英语白领对话:签约 Sign on the dotted line”相关内容,更多职场英语口语精彩内容,请关注本频道的持续更新!
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时长 : 17:20 主讲 : 郭宁
时长 : 17:20 主讲 : 郭宁
时长 : 26:58 主讲 : 乔迪
时长 : 3:54 主讲 : 金格妃
时长 : 41:28 主讲 : 李延隆
时长 : 36:53 主讲 : 李延隆
时长 : 17:47 主讲 : 魏大伟
时长 : 28:19 主讲 : 郎玉萍
时长 : 9:48 主讲 : 郭宁
来源 : 网络 2024-09-18 08:42:00 关键字 : 日常职场英语
来源 : 网络 2024-09-18 08:42:00 关键字 : 日常职场英语
来源 : 网络 2024-09-18 08:42:00 关键字 : 日常职场英语
来源 : 网络 2024-09-18 08:42:00 关键字 : 日常职场英语
来源 : 网络 2024-09-18 08:42:00 关键字 : 日常职场英语
来源 : 网络 2024-09-14 08:42:00 关键字 : 日常职场英语
来源 : 网络 2024-09-14 08:42:00 关键字 : 日常职场英语
来源 : 网络 2024-09-14 08:42:00 关键字 : 日常职场英语
来源 : 网络 2024-09-14 08:42:00 关键字 : 日常职场英语
来源 : 网络 2024-09-14 08:42:00 关键字 : 日常职场英语