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Five new British seabird species at risk 五种海鸟在英国陷入生存危机

分享到: 2024-10-08 14:10:12 BBC英语教学

摘要:Five new British seabird species at risk 五种海鸟在英国陷入生存危机


Five new British seabird species at risk 五种海鸟在英国陷入生存危机


Britain's miles of coastline are home to globally important seabird colonies, with more than 20 different species breeding on cliff tops or foraging out at sea. But many populations are in trouble, hit by multiple pressures from climate change to overfishing.

在英国数千英里的海岸线上分布着许多在世界范围内都有着显著意义的海鸟群落,这里有超过 20 种海鸟在悬崖上筑巢繁衍或在海中觅食。但由于气候变化和过度捕捞等因素带来的生存压力,其中不少鸟类种群的生存都陷入了困境。

In the latest health check of seabirds, conservation groups have added five more species to the red list of British birds facing the highest level of conservation concern. The new additions are the Arctic tern, the giant skua, the little-known Leach's storm petrel and two types of gull – the common gull and great black-backed gull.



coastline 海岸线
colonies 群落,聚居区
species 物种
cliff 悬崖
foraging 觅食
pressures 压力
overfishing 过度捕捞
health check 健康检查
gull 鸥属的鸟类


1. How many species of seabirds either breed on cliff tops, or forage at sea along Britain's coastline?

2. What, apart from climate change, is mentioned as a reason for seabird species being in trouble?

3. Which five species have been added to the red list of British birds?

4. How many of these newly endangered species are types of gull?


1. How many species of seabirds either breed on cliff tops, or forage at sea along Britain's coastline?

More than 20 different species of seabirds either breed on cliff tops, or forage out at sea.

2. What, apart from climate change, is mentioned as a reason for seabird species being in trouble?

Overfishing is mentioned as one of the pressures on seabird populations.

3. Which five species have been added to the red list of British birds?

The new additions are the Arctic tern, the giant skua, the Leach's storm petrel, the common gull and the great black-backed gull.

4. How many of these newly endangered species are types of gull?

Two types of gull have been added to the list – the common gull and the great black-backed gull.
