
2024-10-15 21:24:00来源:网络


  Narrator: 大家好,欢迎回到 Citrus Ventures 公司的办公室!Anna 的产品介绍演讲还在进行中,不过她的电脑出了问题。而她的电子笔记也是黑屏了。

  Anna: Oh no, this is terrible!

  Narrator: Anna, 你可得放弃在电脑上的产品介绍和笔记,没时间了!快说两句吧。

  Anna: Just talk! Just talk! You just talk! What on earth am I going to say? My mind is blank.

  Narrator: 可要记住那几个要点,一个一个来。而且别忘了提供支持每一点的数据或事实。比如

  Tip Top Trading is growing fast – our number of clients doubled last year.

  Tip Top 贸易公司发展非常迅速, 非常快,去年的客户人数翻了一番。


  The company has a strong track record of... 意思是公司在某一方面的表现一直都很不错,是个强项。

  Let me share with you...... 让我来告诉你们......

  The Imperial Lemon's key strengths are... 这款皇家柠檬产品的强项是…

  Anna: OK. Ahem! Sorry about that, I'll just have to continue talking without the slideshow. So, ahem. Tip Top Trading is growing fast – our number of clients doubled last year. This is because our company….

  Narrator: 可是你不能机械的把信息说出来,你要看着观众,有目光交流,而且别说得太快,要有流畅感。别忘了中间要笑笑。

  Anna: Tip Top Trading is growing fast – our number of clients doubled last year. This is because our company has a strong track record of reliability and because, thanks to new technology, our fruits are more and more convincing. Our bananas have won awards for being the most authentic-looking fruits in Europe. We are very happy that Citrus Ventures is already among our clients and we hope to build on that by offering you more exciting new fruits. Let me share with you our latest product: (sound of unzipping of a bag) the Imperial Lemon. The Imperial Lemon's key strengths are its design and flexibility. It is made with revolutionary faux-orange-premium, laser-curve-definition technology...

  Narrator: Anna 表现得非常不错。她抓住了要点,还用事实支持了她的演讲。整个结构紧凑、思路清晰。而且她还挺放松的,非常自然。 她使用了以下几个表达方式

  The company has a strong track record of...

  Let me share with you......

  The Imperial Lemon's key strengths are...


  Anna: …so thank you for your time, I hope you're impressed with our Imperial Lemon.

  Mr Lime: Fantastic Anna, fantastic!

  Anna: Thank you.

  Mr Lime: Those... lemons – wow. Wow. I'd like to put in an order for three hundred thousand right away.

  Anna: Of course.

  Mr Lime: Now, what's your direct phone number?

  Narrator: 不错!不过我觉得 Mr Lime 好像对 Anna 有点儿意思。Hmmm 我们下次再继续吧!


  Anna 介绍皇家仿真柠檬的强项是什么呢?


  Where is Anna's presentation taking place?

  Anna 在哪里做演讲?

  Answer: In the meeting room at Citrus Ventures.

  答案Citrus Ventures 公司的会议室。

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本文关键字: 日常职场英语



