
2024-10-17 21:24:00来源:网络


  Narrator: 欢迎回来!Tip Top 贸易公司的团队正在准备推出他们的最新产品革命性的仿真柠檬。他们正在进行集体创造性思维法,希望能成功推出这款新柠檬。

  Tom: But it needs to be bright!

  Anna: This is much more exciting.

  Denise: But having three colours would work better.

  Narrator: 这么吵,都在争来争去。Anna 的词汇量可受到挑战了。

  Paul: Right, I'm taking the final decision: the colour scheme will be green and yellow, so that's that. Now, the first presentation will be to er, Mr, er, Slime.

  Anna: Mr Lime.

  Paul: Oh, er, Mr Lime - that bit of biscuit looked like an 's' – Mr Lime, thank you Annabel.

  Anna: Anna.

  Paul: Mr Lime and his team at Citrus Ventures. Ideas please!

  Anna: Why don't we offer Citrus Ventures a special opening offer: 20% off Imperial Lemon orders made this month.

  Paul: Hmm...

  Anna: We could even do that for all our regular clients.

  Denise: That would be a big risk.

  Anna: No.

  Denise: If we do that once, all our clients will start asking for 20% off everything.

  Anna: No, I disagree.

  Denise: We'll be bankrupt!

  Anna: No, you're wrong.

  Narrator: Er – Anna, 你可得小心点了,你这么说不同意Denise的观点可能不是最好的表达的方式。

  Anna: I'm so frustrated! I can't think of the right words.

  Narrator: 我们试试其他表达吧,比如

  Well, I'm not so sure about that... “我不是很确认这个观点”。

  或者用 but 不过来做为你回答的开始。

  或者,你可以更客气的说I see your point, but actually I think … 我知道了你的观点,不过我个人认为….

  Anna: I'll try.

  Narrator: But be polite 还有千万别给人你很凶的感觉,而且说话还得给理由。不然你又得罪Denise了。

  Anna: OK. Well, I'm not so sure about that. I think it will improve our sales of lemons and make our clients happy. Happy clients will come back to buy more.

  Paul: Yes, that's a good point Annabe - Anna.

  Tom: But 20% is a lot – maybe 5% would be better.

  Anna: But if we're going to make a special offer, we should make it so good that everyone will say yes!

  Denise: But people might think there's something wrong with our lemons and that we're desperate to get rid of them.

  Anna: I see your point, but, if we explain this is just a special offer for special clients, they'll understand.

  Paul: I like that idea. Good: 20% off for all regular clients just for this month. Anna, you'll be making the presentation to Citrus Ventures, so make sure you include that offer.

  Anna: Yes.

  Paul: Right, next, what photos do we have of the lemons...?

  Narrator: 在工作时碰到需要告诉别人你有不同观点的时候,说话需要有点技巧。 Anna 最终是过关了。她用了一个很短的词语来开始她的答复But... 然后用了一些其他的短语

  I'm not so sure about that......

  I see your point, but actually I think...

  接下来面对 Anna 的挑战是面对Citrus Ventures 做一个讲演,那会怎么样呢?我们下次再继续听。

  Anna: I've got to do a good job, but it's going to take me ages. Oh well, I'd better get started, otherwise I'm going to be here all night.


  Anna 建议给本月订Imperial Lemon 皇家仿真柠檬产品的客户们多少折扣?


  What kind of fruit was sent out to Mr Berry of Bluetree Enterprise?

  什么样的水果被送到Berry 先生的Bluetree Enterprise 公司?

  答案: redcurrants 红浆果


本文关键字: 日常职场英语



