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Farne Islands' puffin population increased

分享到: 2024-10-21 11:57:18 BBC英语教学

摘要:Farne Islands' puffin population increased 英国法恩群岛的海鹦鹉数量回升


Farne Islands' puffin population increased 英国法恩群岛的海鹦鹉数量回升


Farne Islands' puffin population increased 英国法恩群岛的海鹦鹉数量回升


They're precious, and they need to be protected.


Tom Hendry, Area Ranger, National Trust
"There were about 20 fresh ones on the beach, so there were loads, but they seem to have gone. I mean, I'm sure they're around."

汤姆·亨德利 英国国家信托基金 区域生态保护员
“这片海滩上本来有 20 来只才飞来定居的海鹦鹉;所以这里是有很多的,不过现在它们好像都飞走了。但我确定它们就在附近。”

So, day by day, metre by metre, the rangers here have been counting them.


Tom Hendry, Area Ranger, National Trust
"This one looks very occupied. There [are] also fresh droppings in there. This one's also occupied, a bit of eggshell and feather as well, which is good."

汤姆·亨德利 英国国家信托基金 区域生态保护员

And now, there's good news.


Sophia Jackson, Area Ranger, National Trust
"It's gone up by 15 percent, which means the population's stable. I think all the rangers are super happy. You're sort of… like, proud, because you've looked after them and done all the work."

索菲亚·杰克逊 英国国家信托基金 区域生态保护员
“法恩群岛的海鹦鹉数量增加了 15%,这意味着海鹦鹉种群数量稳定。我觉得这里所有的生态保护员都非常高兴。甚至有些自豪,因为我们一直在尽心尽力地照顾他们。”

Fiona Trott, BBC Reporter
"You must be so relieved?"

菲奥纳·特洛特 BBC 通讯员

Sophia Jackson, Area Ranger, National Trust
"So relieved, because they are such characters as well, and you do become attached to them, you just do, [to] every single one of them."

索菲亚·杰克逊 英国国家信托基金 区域生态保护员

This is what they were worried about: during the avian flu outbreak, around ten thousand birds perished; 900 of them were puffins which only lay one egg a year.

当初这些生态保护员担心的是,在禽流感爆发期间,曾经有一万只禽类死亡,其中包括 900 只海鹦鹉,而海鹦鹉一年仅产一枚蛋。

Little did they know the birds' quirky behaviour would actually end up protecting some of them.


Fiona Trott, BBC Reporter
"Puffins are clever little creatures. They keep their burrows clean; they self-isolate like we did during lockdown. And rangers think that's one of the reasons why they've done well, despite bird flu."

菲奥纳·特洛特 BBC 通讯员
“海鹦鹉是非常聪明的小动物,它们会保持自己的洞穴干净,而且会像我们在疫情封锁期间那样 ‘自我隔离’。生态保护员们认为这是为什么即使在禽流感爆发期间,海鹦鹉的数量也保持稳定的原因之一。”

Sophia Jackson, Area Ranger, National Trust
"Another reason is that [there have] been [fewer] named storms. If the water's churned up from storms, they can't see the fish, and so it meant they were bringing back more fish, which is successful. So, the island's ideal for them this year."

索菲亚·杰克逊 英国国家信托基金 区域生态保护员

All life is fragile on these remote islands, and the puffin count helps researchers understand what's happening with the wider environment.


Tom Hendry, Area Ranger, National Trust
"Puffins like all sea birds we have here in the Farne Islands, they're very indicative of the health of our seas, the state of our environment. If there's anything wrong with the seas, then the seabirds – they will be the first to suffer. So, it's really important that we have an idea of just how many we have."

汤姆·亨德利 英国国家信托基金 区域生态保护员

The ambition now is to monitor the puffins every single year.


Known as the 'clowns of the sea', these colourful characters entertain us, but can teach us, so much more.

海鹦鹉被称为 “海上小丑”,这些丰富多彩的小生命不仅给我们带来欢乐,同时还能教给我们更多东西。
