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包含单词 “idea” 的常见搭配

分享到: 2024-11-26 14:04:59 BBC英语教学

摘要:包含单词 “idea” 的常见搭配


包含单词 “idea” 的常见搭配


今天你有什么新想法 “idea”?在工作中能有一个好主意 “have a good idea” 是件开心的事,但如何向人准确地提出自己的想法 “put forward an idea” 也很重要。在本期 “一分钟英语” 节目中,主持人 Neil 就来介绍一些包含名词 “idea” 的常用搭配。


1. “Have an idea” 有主意,想到一个主意

  • I have an idea, let's call and ask Anne about this.

  • You have a really good idea about this. Now, you need to turn it into a plan.

2. “Have no idea” 不知道,不清楚

  • We have no idea when the show will start.

  • Natalie has no idea that we are throwing a surprise party for her.

3. “An idea pops into your head” 一个想法突然出现在你的脑海中

  • Hey, an idea just popped into my head. We can go to that Chinese restaurant before the show.

  • I don't know how, but the idea just popped into my head.

4. “Dream up an idea” 凭空想出一个(不切实际的,独特的)想法

  • Trust you to dream up an idea like that!

  • We are allowed to dream up some silly ideas from time to time.

5. “Put forward an idea” 提出一个想法(适用于正式场合中)

  • I'd like to put forward an idea if I may.

  • Can you put forward an idea of what word we can look at next time?
