如果你总是在面对问题和挑战时愿意尝试并且相信自己能够取得成功,那么你就可以说自己有积极进取的态度 “a can-do attitude”。听节目,跟主持人菲菲和 Phil 学习 “can-do attitude” 的用法。
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大家好,欢迎收听 BBC 英语教学的 “地道英语” 节目。在每期节目中,我们都会介绍一个英语母语人士或讲英语流利的人常用的表达。I'm Feifei, and I'm feeling so good today.
Why's that?
Well, this morning, I've been for a run, tidied my house, made a healthy lunch to bring in, and done some language study. I came in to work and cleared my inbox – I answered every single message.
Wow, I woke up late, drank too much coffee and stumbled into work somehow. Now, I'm just worried how I'll get everything done.
Don't worry, it's easy. You just have to have a can-do attitude. Tell yourself you can do it, keep smiling and get it done!
Well, the first thing I'm going to do is point out that 'can-do attitude' is a great expression to learn. If you have a can-do attitude, you believe you can get things done, and do them enthusiastically. Feifei, your can-do attitude today is quite impressive.
Yes, if problems don't worry you – you just work through them happily, then you have a can-do attitude.
Listen to these examples of people using the expression 'can-do attitude'.
I've got guests coming over, and I need to clean the whole house. I just need a can-do attitude to get it all done.
I just hired someone new for the team. She had a real can-do attitude. The others were a bit lazy.
I'm trying to learn a new language, and I guess I need a can-do attitude to get me through the first two lessons.
你正在收听的是 BBC 英语教学的 “地道英语” 节目。以上我们一起学习了表达 “can-do attitude” 的用法。“Can-do attitude” 的意思是 “积极进取的态度”。正像这个表达中的 “can-do” 一样,如果你有 “can-do attitude” 就意味着你认为你能做到想做的事情——“you can do what you want to do”。
'Can-do attitude' is a common expression, but it's also possible to use 'can-do' as a compound adjective before other similar nouns – you could talk about someone's 'can-do spirit', or 'can-do mindset', or 'can-do way of thinking'.
是的。除了 “can-do attitude”,我们还可以用 “can-do” 作为一个复合形容词来修饰不同的名词。比如,“can-do spirit(积极进取的精神)”、“can-do mindset(积极进取的心态)” 等等。
It's informal, and more common in American English – but it is also possible to use 'can-do' as a noun. You could say 'She showed a lot of can-do on that project'.
A can-do attitude can really help you improve your English, so why not start by coming back next time to learn another English expression? See you then!