名词 “opinion” 的意思包括 “意见,看法”。你在生活或工作中做事前会 “ask for an opinion” 征求别人的意见吗?在公开场合,你会 “voice your opinion” 发表自己的意见吗?在本期节目中,主持人 Beth 将介绍六个包含单词 “opinion” 的常见搭配。
1. “Ask for an opinion” 征求意见
I'm asking for your opinion now.
She'd like to ask for your opinion on the new project proposal.
2. “Give an opinion” 发表意见
He asked me, so I gave him my honest opinion.
She gave you her opinion about the upcoming event.
3. “Share an opinion” 表达看法
Everyone is encouraged to share an opinion on this topic.
She shared her opinion that the new proposal might need some further adjustments.
4. “Air an opinion” 公开地发表意见,说出看法
Tova will air her opinion on the topic whether you want to hear it or not.
During the debate, each participant had the chance to air an opinion on the issue.
5. “Voice an opinion” 发表意见,发声表态
He doesn't often voice his opinion, so him telling you he's unhappy is quite significant.
It's important to voice an opinion if you feel strongly about a topic.
6. “Opinions vary” 意见不一
When it comes to learning English podcasts people like, opinions will always vary.
Opinion varies on whether the new law will benefit small businesses.