新东方 9.16上海高级口译听译权威解析

2007-09-18 00:00:00来源:暂无来源

Ⅰ . Sentence Translation

  Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 5 English sentences. You will hear the sentences only once. After you have heard each sentence, translate in into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.

  1. Shopping online is a convenience that many people now feel they couldn't do without. But when it comes to purchasing medications on the web, doctors are warning buyers to beware.


  分析:这句话出自 Daily News Central 2006 年 8 月 11 日的文章《 Doctors Caution Against Buying Meds Online (医生们警告网上买药)》(见图 1 )。这句话的关键在于第二个分句的转折关系,能够把握这层转折关系的考生可以比较迅速地破译整句基本信息,并且由此庖丁解牛,把整句主谓(网上购物、买药)、逻辑、结构一一翻译到位。

  图 1

  2. If it tastes good it must be bad, so the saying goes, but delicious dark chocolate may be the exception to the rule. It may help lower blood pressure by an average of 10 percent.

  俗话说,味道好,营养差。然而美味的黑巧克力却可能是个例外。黑巧克力可以使血压平均降低 10% 。

  分析:这句话出自 Daily News Central 2005 年 7 月 19 日的文章《 Dark Chocolate May Be the Next New Health Food (黑巧克力可能成为下一种新的健康食品)》(见图 2 )。其原文是“ If it tastes good it must be bad, so the saying goes, but delicious dark chocolate may be the exception to the rule. In addition to all the pleasurable sensations associated with the sweet, it may also help lower blood pressure by an average of 10 percent while improving the body's sensitivity to insulin, researchers report. ”


图 2

  3. World economy is getting increasingly integrated, and this has very serious implications, socially and politically. We also have a cultural phenomenon: the emergence of a global culture, or of cultural globalization.


  分析:凡是上海新东方高口班的同学,甚至是那些积极参加过我们考前模考、串讲、网络答疑的同学,对于这句听译应该都感到非常熟悉。记得我们在课堂上、在考前的讲座中都多次提及考生需要重点关注的听译部分内容,其中,在我们上海新东方《 2007 年秋季高口听力考前串讲讲义》的第 6 页的第一句话就是本句。尤其是亲身感受过我们上海新东方高口课程的同学,他们非但对于这句原文的内容了如指掌,而且在考前就已经把本句的标准答案背得滚瓜烂熟了。应该说,在考场中能够听到这样熟悉的句子,广大新东方的学员们非但是充满信心,而且会深切地感受到:你不是一个人在战斗!

  4. Work is viewed as one of the central meanings of life, but at the same time, it now takes so much of many adults’ lives that there is little room for anything else.


  分析:无独有偶,这句话是我们《 2007 年秋季高口听力考前串讲讲义》第 6 页的第十句听译的句子。在本次考前串讲中,我们把上海新东方课堂上提及的重点内容再做梳理,整理出 23 个重点句子,而此次考试居然就命中两个完整的句子,分值达到 6 分之多,占据整个句子听译部分 40 %的分数。可以说东方甚幸,东方的广大学员和热情支持者甚幸!

  5. Married persons spend more time doing household activities than unmarried persons: 2 hours versus 1.5 hours per day. Women, regardless of marital status, spend more time doing these activities than men.

  已婚者比未婚者花更多的时间做家务,前者每天花 2 小时,后者 1.5 小时。不管婚姻状况如何,女性做家务的时间比男性的更长。


  Ⅱ . Passage Translation

  Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages. You will hear the passage only once. After you have heard each passage, translate it into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. You may take notes while you are listening.

  Passage one

  I want to thank Mr. Chairman for giving me the opportunity to talk on the environmental issues of today. I am really proud to address this group, as you are at the frontlines of the battle to save the world. Time is not on our side. We need to keep moving forward and we need to move fast. We are at a crucial point in the world's history: our oceans and forests are suffering, species are disappearing, the climate is changing. Around the world, billions of our fellow human beings lack the most basic requirements of health and dignity.


  分析:今年以来,类似环保、新能源、高科技这样的话题层出不穷,成为人们日常生活茶余饭后的热点话题,而这种趋势也越来越明显地在最近几年的高口题目当中显现,本次考试也不例外。本段中出现了一系列并列结构,包括海洋和森林正遭到破坏,物种在逐渐消失,气候发生着变化等等现象。由此可见,本段总分应为 7 分,属于比较简单的段落翻译。

  Passage two

  According to a recent survey on leisure activities, American people spend about 4 hours each day watching TV, 3 hours listening to the radio, and 14 minutes reading magazines. It was also disclosed that over the past five years, people reduce their time reading to 2.1 hours per month, and over one third of all books were bought by customers aged 55 and older. On the other hand, 30% of American survey said they would rather read a book than do anything else, 21% said watching TV is their favorite activity, that's the good news. The bad news is that only 13% selected spending time with family.

  近期一项关于休闲活动的调查显示,美国人如今每天花 4 小时看电视, 3 小时听广播, 14 分钟看杂志。过去五年中,人们的读书时间减少到每月 2.1 小时,此外,三分之一的购书者是年龄为 55 岁以上的人。另一方面,有 30 %的美国人表示他们唯一想做的休闲活动就是看书, 21 %的人表示看电视是他们最喜欢的活动,这是好消息。坏消息是只有 13 %的人选择和家人呆在一起。

  分析:我们在上海新东方的高口听力课堂上已经反复多次提及:逻辑、结构、主谓、数字是考生必须把握的四大给分点。而本段翻译中,出现了十个左右数字翻译的内容,对于考生数字记录的能力提出了比较高的要求。我们在课上还重点分析了八种数字的表现形式,在这里相继出现了数字、分数、小数和百分比等表达,全部在我们上课要求大家掌握的知识点的范围以内。上课认真听讲、回家系统复习的东方学员,实事求是地说,对于此次考试的听力部分,应该是有相当把握的 。

  (徐星海: 上海新东方高级口译听力名师,口译教研组听力课题组组长,悉尼大学教育学硕士,高级同传)

