
2008-03-17 00:00:00来源:邱政政的博客

李龙帅: 上海新东方学校口译研究中心成员。中/高级口译听力明星教师。上海交通大学英语语言文学硕士。高级同声翻译。

Spot dictation:(新东方口译研究中心提供精准版本)

Today we will talk about what other effects watching TV might produce on children. Children should be discouraged from watching a lot of television. Many experts and parents agree. But there is at least one circumstance when that might be beneficial, muting pain. A recent study conducted by Italian researchers found that children who viewed cartoons immediately preceding and during blood tests experienced less pain than children whose mothers attempted to distract them during the procedure or children whose mothers were at present but did not interact with them.

The research led by Carlo Brown MD at the University of Sienna is published in the Archives of Disease in Childhood. 69 children participated in the study. None received any type of anesthesia. The children and their mothers determine their pain scores. Both the groups whose mothers attempted to distract them from the blood tests and those whose mothers simply observed reported substantially higher pain ratings than the group who watched the cartoons. For that group, the levels of pain were less and the children were better able to tolerate the pain they did experience.

One of the possible explanations is that children might have picked up on their mothers anxiety during the procedures, exacerbating their perception of pain. The higher pain level reported by children during mothers’ efforts at distraction shows the difficulty mothers have in interacting positively at a difficult moment in their children’s life, the authors write. However, they stress that the mother’s presence still provided benefits, noting that the children would appreciate not being left alone during the procedures. Indeed, children state that having their parent present provides the most comfort when in pain, says the authors.

Another possibility offered for consideration is the notion that the pleasure of watching TV might release pain-quelling endorphins. Endorphins, biochemical compounds produced by the pituitary gland resemble opiates in their ability to produce analgesia and a sense of well-being. In other words, they might function as natural pain killers. In any case, the study results suggest that health workers should consider allowing children to watch television during painful procedures to minimize their distress.

本次考试的文体依旧是说明文 , 对于这样语言逻辑性很强的文题,听力前的预读主题和预测空格信息是很有利的技巧。从首段多次出现的child"pain"television可以判断主题为电视节目对孩子产生的影响, 譬如卡通片可以减轻孩子的疼痛或压力。因此所有的听力词汇,应围绕此话题进行定位,可避免产生许多误听。如果是参加下一次考试,即08年9月考试的同学,可使用考试历年真题,对这两个听力前期必要工作进行强化练习,争取最少时间完成。由于听力考试中英语说明文一般使用开门见山的写作特点,那么对于主题的把握,可以在预读时观察出现频率最高的一个单词,或者从每段首句中发现重复出现的一个词,得出主题。这一步只需要5至10秒钟时间。大部分时间,可以对考题每空的信息进行预测,预测时可使用三个依据,第一是刚刚得出的主题,第二是前后语境,第三是英语或汉语的语感。如果能预测出该空格大概将要表达的信息,可用一个汉字表示,如听力中确实有词与预测信息对应,则在记录时对该词可只记一个字母即可,大大节省了记录时间,誊抄时看到该字母也可以根据汉字轻松回忆起该英文单词。

除此之外,熟练的速记缩写基本功也是需要平时的积累,四种科学的缩写方法,如开头+词缀法、去元音法、头尾法和特殊音法,这些方法,都是需要一定时间(约两周)用来对考试高频词汇进行强化训练。好的Spot dictation速记基本功,也是为高级口译考生后面的大题Note-taking & Gap-filling打下的一个良好的基础。


