
2008-03-17 00:00:00来源:邱政政的博客

3.16高口听力Part B (Q11-15)

W Tomas, because you are a lawyer, I want to get you opinion about crime control, and what I'd like to know is what do you think really works, not for hardened criminals, but for first time offenders?

M Well, you are asking me a pretty complex question. The first step of course is deterrence, to stop people from committing crimes in the first place. That involves the economy, are there enough jobs for everyone? They should be, and social structure. Are there enough support systems? And so on.

W: And what about when people are convicted, and put in Prison?

M Then the goal should be to have rehabilitation programs inside prisons, so that when the person comes out, they don't return to a life of crime. The problem is that recently, the kinds of programs that existed in the past, like education programs and drug treatment programs have been cut, and so convicted criminals are not being rehabilitated.

W Can you explain a little more about these education programs and drug programs?

M Yes, in some states where the drug laws are very harsh, you end up having a lot of people in prisons, who are not the kingpins of drug deals, but who are actually drug addicts. The point is that they need help, that's why there need to be programs that have a psychological component, and an educational component. Because without these programs people don't became rehabilitated. The prisoners have a lot of time on their hands, and a culture developed inside the prison; it takes on a life of its own, and gang start. You see gangs provide a family away from home, but we need to make prison a less repressive experience. Then we also need bridge programs.

W Bridge programs?

M Yes, for when they come out of prison, what is clear statistically is that most criminals are recidivists. That means they are repeated offenders. People go into prison, get out and go right back in again. Bridge programs help with housing and jobs. So that society doesn't look at released prisoners in such a disdainful way. And So that no stigma is attached to them once they reenter society. But unfortunately, there are only a very small number of these programs.

Question 11: On what topic is the man being interviewed?

Question 12: According to the man, there are several elements which are related to abduction in crime, which of the following is not one of these elements?

Question 13: What problem is there inside prisons according to the interview?

Question 14: Which of the following statements is true about education and drug programs?

Question 15: According to the man, why is there a need for bridge programs?

本次高口听力的11-15题是一篇律师的访谈,涉及一定的法律背景知识。法律题材在近几年中、高口的试题中都是热点话题。如我们在课上讲过的,在2005.3月的中口Spot Dictation中已涉及类似话题。

考生在做interview的题型时,特别要注意interviewee和interviewer的第一句话,往往是重点和考点。文章围绕Crime Control展开,可细分为三个部分。首先是关于犯罪预防,出现了hardened criminal (惯犯), first-time offender(初犯)等法律高频词,这些在新东方口译课堂中都有所强调。

随后关于狱中罪犯的教改方式,以前采取的是education program和drug treatment programs,而现在针对repeated offenders提出了新的Bridge programs的概念,致力帮助罪犯解决住房和工作问题,从而从根本上解决罪犯今后的后顾之忧。


第12题属于排异题,考生要提别当心which of the following is not one of these elements,即时做好笔记,在选项旁边标识,得到答案。

第13题关于监狱中存在的问题的一道细节题,14题针对education program和drug treatment programs出的一道排异题,第15题询问原因,为什么需要bridge programs提出问题。


