英国猪走向中国餐桌 比国内猪肉价格低一倍

2012-05-22 00:00:00来源:可可英语


  Britain’s ailing pig industry will be able to start exporting offal, trotters and other culinary delights to China, the world’s biggest pig meat market, under a breakthrough trade deal to be sealed as early as next week.


  Jim Paice, the agriculture minister, is heading to Beijing this weekend to put the finishing touches to an agreement that has been five years in the making.
  本周末,英国农业大臣吉姆?佩斯(Jim Paice)将赴北京,为一项磋商了5年的协议敲定最后一笔。
  “I’m almost certain that during my visit we will be able to tie up the final loose ends and British pork can be on its way to China,” Mr Paice said. “We estimate we can easily sell £50m of pig meat almost at the drop of a hat.”
  British pig farmers, abattoirs and processors are struggling in the face of high input costs and of pricing constrained by aggressive retailers trying to win over cash-strapped consumers. The industry, which generates a net contribution of £300m to the economy, has halved in the past decade.
  Sales of the “fifth quarter” – tails, ears and other parts spurned by British diners – would build on a healthy trade in chicken feet and hearts already sold to China.
  Selling the bits that would otherwise be binned, at a cost, should theoretically fatten the incomes of abattoirs and farmers, said Chris Jackson, export director at the British Pig Association. It should not result in pricier bacon at home.
  英国养猪协会(British Pig Association)出口主管克里斯?杰克逊(Chris Jackson)表示,这些部位原本只能以较高的成本丢弃,现在销往中国,理论上可以增加屠宰场和农民的收入,而且应该不会导致英国国内培根价格上涨。
  Chinese farmers sell their pigs for twice as much as their British peers, partly because of the country’s insatiable appetite for all things pork and “because they are not being screwed by the supermarkets – yet”, said Mr Jackson.
  According to the OECD, China produces and consumes half the global output of pig meat. Chinese demand is growing as more wealth translates into more meat on dinner tables. “There is no doubt at all – and the Chinese are quite open about this – that they cannot produce their own pig meat supplies for the foreseeable future,” said Mr Paice.
  British pigs have greater fertility, with the average sow producing twice as many piglets a year – up to 32 – as her Chinese cousin. That explains the next export agenda: pig semen.
  The UK already sells live breeding pigs to China but has struggled to jump through veterinary hoops on semen. Mr Jackson said he will invite Chinese vets next week to make inspections in late July.
  He believes genetics is “what China really wants”. Despite the small size of the British industry Mr Jackson says it is a world leader. “Even America comes to us to buy genetics, mainly pigs but also sheep and cattle.” Genetics improves pig economics, he says. British pigs can be fattened up for the kill in just three months but Chinese pigs take a year – or about 260 additional days of 6kg of cereal-based feed for half-a-billion animals. “Take that away and you can see how the genetics industry can do such a wonderful job for planet Earth,” said Mr Jackson.
  While farmers app-laud Westminster’s efforts, even Mr Paice conceded the country has lost a head start. “The fact is we export more food to Belgium than we do to all the Bric countries [Brazil, Russia, India and China] together,” he said. “That’s a pretty damning indictment of our efforts.”


本文关键字: 猪肉价格
