
2012-07-30 00:00:00来源:可可英语


  Thousands of residents in Syria"s two largest cities fled their neighborhoods Thursday to escape violence, as the military built up its presence around rebel strongholds in Aleppo and renewed attacks on parts of Damascus.
  Residents of two Damascus suburbs said government forces bombed their neighborhoods overnight with fighter jets and helicopters. Across the capital, extended families fleeing the Daraya, Qudsaya and the Yalda suburbs piled into public schools, vacant apartment blocks and cheap hotels.
  The latest attacks shattered a three-day calm that had settled on the capital as the battle between government and opposition forces had appeared to shift to Aleppo, about 220 miles north.
  In both Damascus and Aleppo, the conflict is localized-with some districts under heavy shelling while bordering neighborhoods are unscathed. In Basateen al-Mezze, on Damascus's western edge, a tank assault last week turned a narrow, winding road of low-rise homes into an open area of collapsed concrete, contorted metal and crushed cars. Amid the rubble was an inflatable baby pool, a swing and a melon rotting in the summer sun.
  在大马士革和阿勒颇,双方的交战都是局域性的,一些地区遭受了猛烈的炮击,而相邻的地区却未受到攻击。在大马士革西部的Basateen al-Mezze,上周发动的一场坦克进攻将一排蜿蜒排布的低层住宅夷为平地,到处是残破的钢筋混凝土、变形的金属和汽车。盛夏阳光下的废墟中,可以看到一个充气婴儿泳池、一个秋千和一个正在腐烂的瓜。
  In most parts of the capital, however, many Syrians have for days praised the return of relative normalcy after Damascus was paralyzed last week by a government offensive against opposition fighters.
  The reprieve appeared short-lived. Starting in the late afternoon, deep booms from artillery attacks on a handful of suburbs, as well as two districts in the southern part of Damascus, reverberated across the city.
  Many shops closed early. Streets emptied before nightfall. Government soldiers manned impromptu security checkpoints built from cinder blocks and tree-branches, blocking two highways that ring the city. 'My fear is it's the calm before the storm,' said a mother of three in Malki, an upscale Damascus neighborhood.
  Opponents of President Bashar al-Assad have framed their recent advances into Damascus and Aleppo as decisive battles. But the rebel movement into the two largest cities appears to be more like a trickle in a conflict that is already killing dozens daily and displacing thousands across the rest of the country. 'Every day, it looks more like a war of attrition,' said a Western diplomat in Damascus.
   总统阿萨德(Bashar al-Assad)的反对者将其最近在大马士革和阿勒颇取得的进展标榜为决定性的战役。不过,反对派进军两大城市的势头似乎更像是涓涓细流。目前叙利亚其他地区的战斗每日造成数十人死亡,数千人无家可归。一位在大马士革的西方外交人士说,每天都是如此,看起来更像是一场消耗战。
  At least 163 rebels, government forces and civilians died in Thursday's fighting, according to U.K.-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. Most of the casualties were reported in Aleppo and the Damascus suburbs. State media said government forces were 'closing in on the terrorists and cleansing many areas' around the country.
   据位于英国的叙利亚人权观察组织(Syrian Observatory for Human Rights)说,有至少163名反对派、政府军和平民在周四的交战中死亡。据报道大部分伤亡发生在阿勒颇和大马士革的郊区。叙利亚国有媒体说,政府军正在围剿恐怖分子,肃清叙利亚国内的诸多地区。

本文关键字: 叙利亚



