一、注意交通,提前制定报到线路,以免影响报到,带来不必要的麻烦。Pay attention to the traffic, pre-decide the report to line, so as not to affect the report, bring needless trouble.
二、不要购买上门推销的产品,更不要相信以老师、学长名义进行的推销,可能会买到质量不合格的产品,而且价位可能会高很多。Don't buy to sell products, more do not believe with the teacher, senior name of marketing, may buy quality unqualified product, and price may be much higher.
三、办理保险。大学生可以享受大学生医疗保险待遇,虽然本着自愿原则购买保险,但为减轻发病学生家庭压力和社会负担,尽量购买。办理保险,需要携带1寸免冠照片及学生本人身份证复印件办理就医手册,并加盖钢印和手册专用章。To deal with insurance. College students can enjoy treatment of medical treatment insurance, although in line with the principle of voluntary buying insurance, but to reduce the students' family pressure and social burden, buy as far as possible. The insurance, need to carry 1 inch photos and student affairs of id card copy to deal with medical manual, and affix the special seal seal and manual.
四、证件要带齐。新生入学报到时要记得带齐录取通知书、身份证、户籍证明、党团关系等。需要转户口的同学,还需出示当地派出所开出的户籍材料。Documents to bring together. New students should remember to take the neat admission notice, id card, household registration certificate, party relations. Need to turn the students registered permanent residence, still need to show local police station on census register material.
五、尽量少带钱。新生报到尽量少带现金,避免在上学报到途中丢失,影响报到。多数学校给每位学生提供了一个银行账号,学生只需把学费存进账号里即可刷卡缴费。Try to take less money. The new report cash less as far as possible, avoid the school report lost in transit, influence to report for duty. Most schools gave each of the students provides a bank account, students just put tuition deposit into the account can charge capture to expend.
六、备齐生活用品。Prepare daily necessities.
本文关键字: 大一新生
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