收购游艇巨头后 山东重工意犹未尽

2012-08-31 00:00:00来源:可可英语


  Less than a year after his company bought Italian luxury-yacht maker Ferretti, the chairman of a Chinese bulldozer maker with a cumbersome name says he isn"t done shopping.
  Tan Xuguang, the chairman of Shandong Heavy Industry Group-Weichai Group, said the state-controlled machinery maker is planning more acquisitions and partnerships in Europe and the U.S. in the coming months. He declined to disclose details, saying only that the company has plenty of cash for acquisitions and plans to 'diversify' its portfolio.
  'This will be a genuinely global company,' Mr. Tan said in an interview Tuesday. Moments later, the stout 51-year-old approached the stage for a news briefing to the theme from 'Star Wars.' A screen projected photos of him smiling with tanned Italian men-Ferretti employees-some of whom were wearing T-shirts emblazoned, 'Weichai, we are one.'
  谭旭光周二在接受采访时说,山东重工将成为一家真正的国际化公司。一会儿过后,现年51岁、身材偏胖的谭旭光伴随着《星球大战》(Star Wars)的主题曲走上舞台,开始举行一场新闻发布会。大屏幕上投射的照片显示他微笑着与皮肤黝黑的意大利男子合影。这些男子是法拉帝员工,其中一些人穿着印有“潍柴,我们是一家”的T恤衫。
  The Ferretti marriage offers a glimpse at the ambitions of the state-owned Shandong Heavy.
  The company, founded in 1946, is run largely by Communist Party appointees and has 50,000 employees. Its less luxurious products-diesel engines, transmissions, spark plugs and the like-are made in a plant in Weifang, a city that boasts one-tenth of China's chicken exports and a population of 8.5 million people. Shandong Heavy also owns engine maker Weichai Power Co., AONE -4.85%which is listed in Hong Kong.
  成立于1946年的山东重工主要由中共指派的人员掌管,员工5万人。该公司的普通产品──柴油发动机、变速箱、火花塞等──是在潍坊的一座工厂生产出来的。潍坊拥有850万人口,中国十分之一的出口鸡肉都产自当地。山东重工旗下还有发动机生产商、香港上市公司潍柴动力股份有限公司(Weichai Power Co.)。
  Shandong Heavy is among the ballooning number of Chinese companies making their mark overseas. Government leaders have been pushing China's companies to buy overseas assets to broaden the nation's economy beyond low-level manufacturing.
  Chinese auto-parts company Wanxiang Group Corp. this month agreed to invest $450 million for control of U.S. battery maker A123 Systems Inc. AONE -4.85%In May, China's Dalian Wanda Group Corp. agreed to buy U.S. movie theater chain AMC Entertainment Holdings for $2.6 billion.
  中国汽车零部件公司万向集团(Wanxiang Group Corp.)本月同意投资4.5亿美元取得美国电池生产商A123 Systems Inc.的控股权。5月份,中国大连万达集团股份有限公司(Dalian Wanda Group Corp.)同意斥资26亿美元收购美国影院连锁企业AMC Entertainment Holdings。
  Deals have become more attractive to Chinese companies as the U.S. and European economies have weakened. But Mr. Tan, a former engineer with a gravelly voice and a rustic regional accent, said Shandong Heavy wasn't just looking for a fire sale to make its global footprint; it intends to cooperate and compete with global peers.
  'There's been some misconception that Chinese companies are just going out to buy whatever is cheap, but we're building a genuinely international company,' he said. Shandong Heavy listed revenue last year at 98.3 billion yuan ($15.46 billion).
  The company, based in the eastern Chinese province of Shandong, in January agreed to invest 178 million ($222 million) and to extend 196 million in credit to Ferretti in exchange for a 75% stake in the yacht maker.
  Ferretti Chief Executive Ferruccio Rossi said the Italian company's Chinese owners have been very involved, sending workers who were born after 1980 and have more international experience than their older colleagues to Italy to oversee the acquisition.
   法拉帝首席执行长费鲁乔 罗西(Ferruccio Rossi)说,这家意大利公司的中国股东非常投入,曾派出国际经验比老一辈更丰富的80后员工前往意大利负责这次收购。
  Ferretti plans to expand in Brazil, India and other emerging markets. 法拉帝计划在巴西、印度和其他新兴市场扩张。
  Mr. Tan said he has left branding and design to the Italians. Shandong Heavy's expertise is distribution and sales, he said, adding that he plans to open a manufacturing center in Shandong that will let Chinese boat buyers customize their purchases.
  China accounts for 10% of Ferretti's sales, and Mr. Tan aims to expand that portion to one-third in the next five to 10 years.
  Ferretti executives have said the company plans to open a sales base in Hong Kong and offices in the Chinese tourism hub of Sanya on the South China Sea's Hainan Island. Ferretti also is expanding dealerships across China and is producing more varieties of boats, from 25-foot crafts in the low-million-dollar range to 250-foot superyachts that sell for more than $100 million.
  Mr. Tan said that despite the slumping global economy acquisitions will secure the company's future in the consumer market and expand its base in machinery.



