When the company introduces its latest device Wednesday, everyone will be watching to see if it can maintain the place it has long held as top-selling smartphone in the U.S. Months of purportedly leaked parts and images have generated enthusiasm, driving up Apple"s stock price.
But speculation about whether the iPhone─introduced in 2007─can measure up to new devices is brewing. Some bloggers are whining about iPhone fatigue. It will have to be 'a major step up' to keep up with expectations in the media and among consumers, says Rajeev Chand, a managing director at investment bank Rutberg & Co.
但已经有人在猜测,2007年首次面市的iPhone还能否比得上其他一些新手机。一些博客作者在诉说他们对iPhone的审美疲劳。投资银行Rutberg & Co.的董事总经理昌德(Rajeev Chand)说,要达到媒体和消费者的期望,就得实现重大飞跃。
pple also will be looking to beat back Samsung Electronics Co., which took the top spot in overall global smartphone shipments in the second quarter.
苹果还将想办法对竞争对手三星电子(Samsung Electronics Co.)作出还击。三星电子第二季度全球智能手机发货量升至第一。
The next iPhone5, which has been referred to internally by the code name N41, has been in the works for more than a year, a person familiar with the matter said. Apple is expected to tweak the smartphone's shape with a slightly larger screen and a different shell, and it will work with wireless carriers' fastest LTE networks and run new mobile software. That software, iOS 6, includes improvements to voice-activated assistant Siri, a new digital-coupon-and-passes service called Passbook, and new call-blocking features, among several others.
一位知情人士说,新一代iPhone5在内部的代码为“N41”,研发工作已经进行了一年多。预计苹果将调整手机的外形,略微增加屏幕尺寸,改变手机外壳。新手机将兼容无线网络运营商速度最快的LTE网络,并安装新的手机操作系统iOS 6。新系统将包括改进后的Siri语音助理、新的电子优惠券服务“Passbook”,以及新的呼叫屏蔽功能等。
Consumers have been holding out for the new device, so much so that Apple's last quarterly results disappointed investors. Some economists are predicting sales could even bump up the U.S. economy.
But whether Apple will satisfy expectations is hard to tell as are the consequences if it doesn't. Almost a year ago, Apple Chief Executive Tim Cook introduced the iPhone 4S to a lukewarm reception. Yet the gadget went on to be wildly popular and drove Apple's sales and stock to new heights. Apple recently became the most valuable U.S. company in history.
但苹果是否能满足人们的期望却很难讲,如果达不到期望会产生什么后果也很难预料。将近一年前,苹果首席执行长库克(Tim Cook)推出iPhone 4S,反响平平。但后来这部手机大受欢迎,将苹果的销售额、股价都推向新的高度。前不久,苹果成为美国历史上市值最大的公司。
Further muddying the picture: Apple's shares often dip after product announcements, losing some of the gains they make in the frenzied lead-up.
Tim Bajarin, president of research firm Creative Strategies, said competitors will be watching closely for new hardware and software since they will face pressure to match it.
研究公司Creative Strategies的总裁巴扎林(Tim Bajarin)说,竞争对手会密切留意苹果新推出的硬件和软件,因为它们将面临追赶苹果的压力。
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