剧情简介:垃圾桶里发现了个头骨和腐烂的手,很快遗体被确认为一名赏金猎人Ray Raminsky,而被誉为“科学男”的Bunsen Jude博士力邀Brennan成为他在儿童科教节目Jeffersonian实验室特集的客座嘉宾……
识骨寻踪第六季第4集 赏金遗骸
垃圾桶里发现了个头骨和腐烂的手,这下不但要破案,还得先找到其它的残骸。很快遗体被确认为一名赏金猎人Ray Raminsky,他正在搜寻杀害同事的嫌疑人Charles Braverman。而被誉为“科学男”的Bunsen Jude博士力邀Brennan成为他在儿童科教节目Jeffersonian实验室特集的客座嘉宾,Brennan当然(嗯……当然~~)直接就回绝人家了,不过Jude博士自告奋勇当起了Brennan的眯眼实习生,Brennan只好答应只要他帮忙破案自己就上节目。罪案的细枝末节联系起来,渐而发现正找着Braverman不止他们,另一个出人意料的嫌疑犯浮出水面。
Episode 6.4 The Body in the Bounty
Airs: Oct.14, 2010
After a skull and decomposinghands are found in a dumpster, the team must not only solve the crime but also search for the rest of the victim's remains. Identified as Ray Raminsky, the victim turns out to be a bountyhunter in search of Charles Braverman, a man indicted for the murder of a co-worker. Meanwhile, Brennan is asked by Professor Bunsen Jude "The Science Dude" (guest star Grier) if he can shoot an episode of his children's show from The Jeffersonian Lab with Brennan as his special guest. Brennan initiallyturns him down, but is surprised when he makes her a deal she can't refuse, so she takes him on as a new "squintern." As the team pieces together the details of the crime, they discover that they are not alone in the hunt for Braverman and find themselves in a chasewith an unexpected suspect.
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