
2012-11-12 00:00:00来源:可可英语


  President Barack Obama will visit Myanmar this month, the first trip to the country by a U.S. president, in another step toward engagement with the long-isolated nation.
  美国总统奥巴马(Barack Obama)本月将访问缅甸,这是美国总统首次访缅,也是美国朝着与长期孤立的缅甸接触的方向迈进了一步。

  The trip underscores a remarkable transformation by Myanmar as a country under its leader, President Thein Sein, who in less than two years has taken his nation from pariah status to host of a U.S. presidential visit.
  Reuters今年9月,奥巴马在美国白宫的总统办公室会见缅甸反对党领袖昂山素季。奥巴马即将访缅凸显了该国在总统吴登盛(Thein Sein)的带领下发生的显著转变。在不到两年的时间里,吴登盛把缅甸从一个受到孤立的边缘国家变成了一个准备迎接美国总统到访的东道国。

  Mr. Obama announced the U.S. would resume ties with Myanmar, also known as Burma, on his last trip to Asia, a year ago.

  At that time, he said Mr. Thein Sein had made enough progress in opening up his country, a military dictatorship just two years ago, to justify sending Secretary of State Hillary Clinton there for a diplomatic visit.
  奥巴马当时说,吴登盛总统在开放缅甸一事上已取得足够进展,令他认为有必要派遣美国国务卿克林顿(Hillary Clinton)对缅甸进行外交访问。仅仅两年前缅甸还是一个军事独裁国家。

  The Clinton trip, the first by a U.S. secretary of state in more than 50 years, paved the way toward easing U.S. financial sanctions on Myanmar and restoration of full diplomatic ties.

  But the visit by Mr. Obama constitutes a further advance in U.S. relations with Myanmar and comes amid a debate about whether the Obama administration is moving too quickly or too slowly in coaxing the government toward greater openness.

  While there, Mr. Obama plans to meet with Mr. Thein Sein, who has helped move his nation toward reforms and engagement with the West. He will also meet with political activist and Nobel Peace Price winner Aung San Suu Kyi, who has encouraged Mr. Obama to more rapidly open U.S. ties to her country.
  到达缅甸之后奥巴马计划会见吴登盛。吴登盛把缅甸推向了改革和与西方国家接触的道路上。奥巴马还将同缅甸政治活动人士、诺贝尔和平奖得主昂山素季(Aung San Suu Kyi)会面。昂山素季一直鼓励奥巴马加快放开美国和缅甸的各种关系。

  He also will speak to civil-society groups 'to encourage Burma's ongoing democratic transition,' the White House said.

  'It's an opportunity to support the democratic transition in Burma and build a bilateral relationship,' a White House official added.

  Some human-rights campaigners, though, fear the U.S. has moved too quickly and opened the possibility that Myanmar's military will be the largest beneficiary of increased investment in the country.

  At the same time, long-simmering ethnic conflict in the country has flared recently, underscoring that Mr. Thein Sein still has much work to do to satisfy U.S. conditions for further engagement.

  Myanmar has pledged to end its military ties with North Korea -- but it isn't clear it has yet, fueling American weapons-proliferation concerns.

  Mr. Obama's four-day Asia trip, which begins Nov. 17, will include visits to Thailand and Cambodia, the White House said Thursday. The White House said the Thailand trip will mark 180 years of diplomatic relations and reaffirm the alliance.

  In Cambodia, Mr. Obama plans to attend the East Asia Summit and meet with Asian leaders attending the Association of Southeast Asian Nations gathering. The White House said that topics on Mr. Obama's agenda in Cambodia will include trade, energy, security cooperation and human rights.
  在柬埔寨,奥巴马计划参加东亚峰会,并会见出席东南亚国家联盟(Association of Southeast Asian Nations)会议的亚洲国家领导人。白宫说,奥巴马在柬埔寨的议程包括贸易、能源、安全合作和人权等问题。

  The engagement with Myanmar also has implications for American efforts to counter Chinese influence in the region. Washington has seen the political opening in Myanmar as a unique opportunity to partner with a country that has traditionally been among China's closest allies.

  At the East Asia summit a year ago, the U.S. supported smaller nations in the region in their effort to contest China's territorial claims to the South China Sea, another move seen as a challenge to the Asian superpower.

本文关键字: 奥巴马



