
2012-11-27 00:00:00来源:新东方网

  An antigovernment rally in Bangkok fizzled under tropicaldownpours Saturday, but the stench of tear gas waftingthrough the streets was a jarring reminder of Prime MinisterYingluck Shinawatra's struggle to escape the shadow of one ofAsia's most divisive politicians: her older brother ThaksinShinawatra, ousted as prime minister in a 2006 coup.

  上周六泰国首都曼谷的一场反政府集会因为热带暴雨而以失败告终。但曼谷主要街道弥漫的刺鼻催泪瓦斯味道则在地提醒人们:泰国现任总理英拉 钦那瓦(Yingluck Shinawatra)难以走出亚洲一位最受争议政治人物的阴影,此人就是她的哥哥他信 钦那瓦(Thaksin Shinawatra)。在2006年的一场政变中,时任泰国总理的他信被推翻。

  Thai police had predicted that tens of thousands of people would take to the streets to protestwhat the demonstrators say is the continuing influence of Mr. Thaksin, a day ahead of the start ofa no-confidence debate in the country's Parliament. With Ms. Yingluck expected to win the no-confidence motion easily, thanks to her party's holding nearly 300 of the lower house's 500 seats, attention focused on Saturday's protest.


  In one incident early Saturday, riot police lobbed tear gas into a crowd of demonstratorsattempting to bypass designated entry points and push through police lines into a large plazawhere thousands of other protesters had gathered. Police said they had detained 138 people, 137 of whom have since been released, while health officials said 61 people were injured in the clashes.


  Ms. Yingluck stoked widespread concern about a fresh period of turmoil in one of Southeast Asia'slinchpin economies by calling the rally a national-security issue and invoking security laws to enablethe army to help maintain law and order.


  Afternoon rain-bursts were thought to have kept down attendance at the rally. Participants, estimated to number up to 15,000, were easily outmaneuvered by police, prompting protestorganizer Boonlert Kaewprasit, a retired general, to cancel the demonstration and apologize to hisfollowers for the low turnout.

  上周六下午的一场暴雨被认为是造成集会出席人数减少的原因。在双方的对峙中警方轻松取得了优势。这导致集会组织者、退役将军汶勒(Boonlert Kaewprasit)取消了抗议活动,并就参加人数较低向他的追随者道歉。据估计最多有1.5万人参加了这场集会。

  'Gen. Boonlert is gone. For me it is over,' he told reporters, adding that he was worried, too, for thesafety of demonstrators.


  In many ways, Saturday's protest, while smaller than expected, was a throwback to a series ofdemonstrations that began in 2005, analysts say. Back then, hordes of royalist demonstratorsamassed in Bangkok to protest Mr. Thaksin and his brash, almost presidential style of government. Next year came the coup and two years after that more protests by royalists─who this timeseized control of Bangkok's two international airports, helping bring down another pro-Thaksinadministration. In 2010, with a military-backed government in place, clashes between Thaksinsupporters and security forces in Bangkok claimed more than 90 lives.


  When Ms. Yingluck was elected in a landslide in July 2011, there began a rapprochement betweenthe populist Thaksin camp and Thailand's conservative military and civil service, helped along thisyear by the country's relatively strong economic performance.


  In recent months Ms. Yingluck, 45 years old, has also taken on a stronger presence on the regionaland world stage. Last weekend, U.S. President Barack Obama, on a visit to Bangkok, congratulatedher for her election win and praised her restoring some stability to Thailand's troubled democracy. A few days later, Ms. Yingluck hosted Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao in a further indication ofThailand's regional significance as Beijing and Washington vie for influence in Southeast Asia.

  近几个月来,现年45岁的英拉越来越频发地出现在地区和国际舞台上。上周末,美国总统奥巴马(Barack Obama)在访问曼谷时祝贺英拉竞选成功,并称赞她在一定程度上令泰国陷入困境的民主恢复了稳定。几天后,英拉又接待了中国总理温家宝。时值中美争夺在东南亚的影响力之际,这进一步凸显了泰国在这一地区的重要性。

  'Mr. Obama's all-American call for democratic strengthening in Thailand plays right into Ms. Yingluck's hands,' Andrew Walker at the Australian National University wrote in a commentaryearlier this week. 'It draws attention to the stability of Ms. Yingluck's government and it adds toher domestic and international legitimacy.'

  澳大利亚国立大学(Australian National University)的沃克(Andrew Walker)本周早些时候在一篇评论文章中写道,奥巴马呼吁泰国加强民主的这种纯美式做法恰好给英拉帮了个忙。这让外界的注意力集中到英拉政府的稳定性上来,并增加了英拉在国内和国际上的合法性。

  Saturday's demonstration, though, shows how difficult it is for Ms. Yingluck to escape claims thatMr. Thaksin is the country's de facto leader, running the country from his self-imposed exile inDubai. Ms. Yingluck acknowledges that she is in regularly contact with her brother─but asserts thatshe makes government decisions and she runs Thailand's weekly cabinet meetings.


本文关键字: 双语新闻



