
2012-12-04 00:00:00来源:沪江英语网

  Remember when Revenge was actually about Emily Thorne avenging her father"s death and wrongful life sentence?
  还记得《复仇》(Revenge)女主角艾米莉·索恩(Emily Thorne)的终极目标是为了给被判终身监禁然后冤死狱中的父亲报仇雪恨吗?

  Although Emily got caught up in a love triangle with Daniel (Josh Bowman) and Jack (Nick Wecshler) along the way, the show rarely veered from its main mission —and that red pen. But has Season 2 lost its way? With its complicated and confusing arcs, the addition of two main characters who aren't very likable —Aidan (Barry Sloane) and Kara (Jennifer Jason Leigh) —and a lack of action and actual vengeance, it seems like Revenge could use some help returning to its freshman season glory.

  Here are five ways we want to fix Revenge:


  1. Bring back the revengenda

  When was the last time Emily sat down with that Grayson Global retreatphoto and mapped out a way she was going to eliminateeach person involved? She may still be targeting Grayson Global, but we have no idea what her roadmap is anymore and how far she's going to stray from or adhere to it.

  2. More Emily and Nolan plotting

  We miss the reliance these two had on each other, and while Nolan isn't lacking one-liners (or a colorful wardrobe) this season, the scenes between the two are now used to provide comicrelief in the hour. An "Ems" every so often isn't enough. Let's get these two back in front of the computer figuring out what Emily's next move is and how Nolan can aid her.

  3. Get rid of Aidan

  Does anyone actually like this guy? We understand the need for someone to shed light on Emily's post-lockup training with Takeda, but there's nothing charming or likeable about him. Plus: We've yet to see his purpose for being in town (except to kill the White-Haired Man.

  4. Give Daniel a backbone

  Whose side is he really on? Does he have any opinions or convictions of his own? It's always hard to tell when one day he's supporting dad and he switches to Team Victoria the next. Maybe if he actually took a stand on something —anything —we'd finally respect the guy. (Don't even get us started on him and Ashley.)

  5. Relegate the bar to the background (and have Declan go with it)

  Can't The Stowaway just remain a signature set like Central Perk or The Peach Pit? Since Declan (Connor Paolo) and Charlotte (Christa B. Allen) broke up, the show has struggled to integratethe blue-collar teen into story lines and has instead concocted a bizarrearc in which Declan gets caught stealing from Kenny (JR Bourne). But rather than pressing charges, the uber-shady Kenny bails the bar out, which means Jack and Dec are indebted to him for life. Um, what?! If this keeps up, we hope Declan is the mysterious dead body underwater.
  为什么偷渡者酒吧(The Stowaway)不能只是一个普通的剧中建筑呢?自从德克兰(Declan)和夏洛特(Charlotte)缘分散尽,编剧就一直试图把这个“穷小子爱上富家女”的老套戏码融入《复仇》的故事主线中。不过效果实在不佳,德克兰因为偷窃肯尼(Kenny)财物被捕的情节设置更是及其古怪。而最让人无语的还属脑子进水的肯尼竟然没有起诉,反倒帮了即将关门大吉偷渡者酒吧一把,摇身一变成了波特(Potter)兄弟的债主。呃,这到底是在演哪一出啊?如果照这样下去,那我宁愿水下的那具无名男尸就是德克兰。

本文关键字: 美剧



