
2013-01-23 00:00:00来源:沪江英语网

  “The Walking Dead” cast has been thinned out over the last two weeks. Fans were shocked by (spoilers… for the entire article) Dale’s death last week and the most recent episode saw one of show’s most charismaticcharacters, Shane, fall by Rick’s hand.

  The death of Shane was inevitable. Tensions have been building between Rick and Shane over the last few episodes and it was only a matter of time until that caused one of the characters to die. (And since Jon Berntha;, who plays Shane, recently signed on to star in ‘L.A. Noir,’ Shane was obviously the one who was going to die.)

  Fans were shocked, however, to see Dale die last week. Series creator Robert Kirkman said that fans can expect a few more surprises during the chaotic season two finale which will see the cast change dramatically.

  Kirkman told the New York Daily News:

  “It’s exciting to me to think about someone who may have read 90 somewhat issues of ‘The Walking Dead,’ can watch one episode and go, ‘Oh my God, they killed Dale, I did not see that coming. That was totally shocking.’”

  But Kirkman didn’t kill Dale purely for the shock value. Kirkman said:

  “Carl would never have had the strength to pull the trigger and save his father from zombie Shane if he hadn’t had that ordeal with Dale and felt responsible for killing Dale because he wasn’t able to shoot that zombie.”

  Kirkman didn’t give any hints to who would die during the finale, but did say that the episode would be chaos. At the end of the most recent episode, hundreds of zombies are bearing down on the farm which has been a safe haven for the cast for most of season two.

  Kirkman said:

  “The finale is probably our biggest episode so far. (It’s_ complete and utter chaos. The cast we begin the episode with is radically altered by the end of the episode.”

  美国AMC电视台王牌剧《行尸走肉》(The Walking Dead)第二季即将结束,而在最新播出的一集中,男主角之一、乔·博恩瑟(Jon Bernthal)扮演的沙恩(Shane)被打死,这也让很多观众非常难过。但该剧主创罗伯特·柯克曼(Robert Kirkman)却透露,其实早在拍摄第一季时,他们就已经决定让沙恩死去,只不过时间不够才拖到了第二季。



  既然沙恩这个角色不存在了,那么乔·博恩瑟也将离开剧组,对此他本人也非常不舍:“最后的一个场景我们整整拍了一晚上,我无法想出一个更好的演员、一个更好的拍档来完成这件事,在我的演艺生涯中能够与安德鲁·林肯(Andrew Lincoln,男主角瑞克的扮演者)合作,这绝对是个莫大的荣幸。他是我的兄长,是我演艺生涯中遇到的最好的朋友,所以最后的一幕我们拍的非常情绪化。”


本文关键字: 美剧
