
2013-02-11 00:00:00来源:网络

  How’s this for an astonishing statistic: 40 percent of all food produced in the U.S. is wasted. At first glance, it’s easy to interpret this to mean that we’re talking about food that consumers and restaurants throw away. Upon further investigation, though, I found that the number represents all food produced in the U.S. that is wasted somewhere between farm and table. That’s billions of dollars of food never consumed, not to mention 40 trillion liters of water used in food processing that goes down the drain, according to a Stockholm International Water Institute study. Let’s not forget the methane created when perishables just sit in landfills, either. In order to figure out if you’re part of the problem, think about your own practices.

  Here’s how to not only reduce waste, but save thousands of household dollars

  Plan Proactively
  Before going to the grocery store, make your shopping list by doing a quick inventory of what you have. Note expiration dates and perishables that are beginning to overstay their welcome and then build your next meal around that forgotten eggplant or head of broccoli. Practice the same process but think longer shelf life for pantry items bought in bulk.

  Remember to Rotate
  When unpacking groceries, be sure to use the FIFO Method (First in first out) in the cooler and the cupboards alike. Slip new items into the back of your fridge and finish the last of the OJ before you open that new container. Remember to rotate canned goods, too.

  Save Spare Ingredients for Additional Meals
  Plan to use the whole quart of buttermilk (or sour cream or heavy cream) you buy when you need just one cup for the biscuits you’re making. You can double the recipe and freeze half the biscuits and then make pancakes with the rest. Remember to keep your eye on your eggs’ expiration date. Coming close? Make a quiche and pop it in the freezer.

  Save Spare Ingredients for Additional Meals
  Plan to use the whole quart of buttermilk (or sour cream or heavy cream) you buy when you need just one cup for the biscuits you’re making. You can double the recipe and freeze half the biscuits and then make pancakes with the rest. Remember to keep your eye on your eggs’ expiration date. Coming close? Make a quiche and pop it in the freezer.

本文关键字: 食物
