
2013-03-15 00:00:00来源:金融时报

    Germany has ignored calls from its eurozone partners for more economic stimulus by tabling plans to cut spending and balance its budget ahead of schedule on the eve of an EU summit dedicated to growth.


    Wolfgang Sch uble, German finance minister, said yesterday that his budget for 2014, involving spending cuts of more than €5bn to trim the total below €300bn, was “a strong signal for Europe”. The plan means Germany will reach budget balance in 2015, a year earlier than required under the “debt-brake” written into its constitution.

    德国财长沃夫冈 朔伊布勒(Wolfgang Sch uble)昨天表示,他拿出的2014年德国预算(包括削减逾50亿欧元支出,使预算总额降低到3000亿欧元以下)“对欧洲来说是一个强烈的信号”。该计划意味着德国将于2015年达到预算平衡,比写入宪法的“债务刹车”(debt-brake)要求提早一年。

    He described the 2014 spending plan as “growth-friendly consolidation”, intended to prove to the rest of the eurozone that “consistent sustainable budgeting and growth are not mutually exclusive”.


    Philipp R sler, economy minister, said Germany’s finances were the “envy of the world”.

    德国经济部长菲利普 罗斯勒(Philipp R sler)表示,德国的财政“令世界羡慕”。

    Publication of the budget was deliberately brought forward by a week to bring out the figures before the EU summit, according to German officials. In spite of tough cuts for health, social security and environment, the plan was rushed through the cabinet well ahead of schedule.


    It could scarcely have come at a more sensitive moment, with other eurozone members, led by France and Italy, looking for relaxation of the tough budget guidelines laid down in the pact that underpins the euro.


    Fran ois Hollande, the French president, whose Socialist government is set to miss its 2013 budget deficit target by a significant margin, will insist that the EU summit adopts a stance that shows the EU is not just a “Europe of austerity” with a uniformly rigid budget policy, a senior official in Paris said.

    一位法国官员在巴黎表示,法国总统弗朗索瓦 奥朗德(Fran ois Hollande)将坚决要求欧盟峰会采取这样一种立场,即表明欧盟不仅代表“紧缩中的欧洲”,实行整齐划一的严格预算政策。奥朗德的社会党政府将以较大差距错过2013年预算赤字目标。


本文关键字: 欧盟峰会
