
2013-03-15 00:00:00来源:金融时报

  Global corporate and investment banks are mostly failing to turn Asia’s high growth rates into increasing revenues and profits from the region.


  Asian economic growth has averaged 5 to 6 per cent in the past three years but the declines in revenues and profits for the handful of global banks that break out figures for the region have been stark.


  Only HSBC and Standard Chartered among the banks that disclose numbers have seen profits from corporate and investment banking grow consistently in Asia over the past three years, according to an FT analysis of company reports.

  英国《金融时报》对公司报告的分析显示,在披露亚洲业绩的银行中,只有汇丰(HSBC)和渣打(Standard Chartered)在亚洲的公司银行业务和投资银行业务在过去3年实现利润持续增长。

  The pre-tax profits of four other global banks have fallen 45 per cent, or a combined $2.8bn between 2010 and 2012 in Asia, while revenues at a different group of four bulge bracket banks have declined by more than one-fifth, or by a combined $4bn over the same period.


  Both the revenue and profit totals include a big turnround in 2012 at Goldman Sachs, which reported a near 40 per cent jump in revenues and a return to profits last year after a very difficult 2011.

  上述营收和利润总数均包括2012年高盛(Goldman Sachs)实现的大幅度扭亏为盈。该行在经历了严峻的2011年后,去年营收大幅增长近40%,并恢复盈利。

  In contrast, HSBC’s banking and markets profits rose 31 per cent over 2010-12 in Asia, excluding Hong Kong, or 23 per cent including the territory. Standard Chartered’s wholesale banking profits in Asia rose 10 per cent over 2010-12.


  Asia has seen a big fall in new stock market listings in the past 18 months, although Malaysia provided a rare bright spot in 2012, while mergers and acquisitions activity has also been poor and equities trading volumes have tumbled.


  Job cuts in Asia have not been as dramatic as those made by global banks elsewhere but the industry has continued to reduce or ditch entire product lines, refocus on serving fewer, larger clients and to strip out costly management layers.


  “The trouble for the bulge bracket is that after the global financial crisis they saw Asia as the saviour and invested heavily,” said Derek Ovington at CLSA, the brokerage. “While 2013 is looking better so far, these banks are still over-resourced for the revenue pools they’re seeing.”

  “大银行的问题是,全球金融危机过后,它们把亚洲视为救星,在亚洲大举投资,”里昂证券(CLSA)的德里克 奥文顿(Derek Ovington)表示。“尽管2013年的形势到目前为止看起来更好一些,但相对于营收而言,这些银行在亚洲配置的资源仍超出需要。”

  Core investment banking revenues for Asia, excluding Japan, are up 4 per cent so far in 2013 over the same period last year, according to Dealogic.


  Many of the world’s biggest banks are still reassessing how many clients in the region they should serve and how many products they should offer them.


  Abhi Shroff, a Singapore-based consultant for Greenwich Associates, said a small number of banks were growing and aiming for a dominant position in Asia across all businesses.

  研究机构Greenwich Associates常驻新加坡的咨询顾问阿比 史洛夫(Abhi Shroff)表示,少量银行正在增长,并力求在亚洲跨越所有业务领域占据主导地位。

  “Then there are banks that used to talk about broad growth and which are now becoming much more targeted in their approach,” he said. “They used to prioritise 350 clients in the region and now they are focused on 150, for example.”



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