
2013-03-15 00:00:00来源:金融时报

  Given the parlous state of the European car market, this would not seem a sensible moment to launch a new car brand. Yet, Qoros, a Chinese-Israeli joint venture, did exactly that at the Geneva motor show last week.


  Qoros’ primary target market is China. But more than 10 per cent of an annual volume of 150,000 cars that are set to roll off its production line in Changshu, China later this year are set to be exported to Europe.


  This explains the stream of curious executives from rivals including Volkswagen, Toyota and Renault who came to the Qoros stand in Geneva to size up the young pretender and its first model, a sedan.


  Qoros is a 50-50 joint venture between China’s Chery Automobile and Israel Corporation, the industrial holding company controlled by Idan Ofer, Israel’s richest man with an estimated fortune of $5.6bn, according to Bloomberg.

  观致汽车是由中国奇瑞汽车(Chery Automobile)与以色列控股集团(Israel Corporation)各自持股50%成立的合资企业。以色列集团是由以色列首富伊丹 奥佛(Idan Ofer)掌控的工业控股公司。来自彭博(Bloomberg)的数据显示,奥佛的财富总额估计达到56亿美元。

  China, the world’s largest car market, is dominated by foreign brands and Chinese makes have in the past struggled to penetrate the European market because of concerns over quality.


  Qoros, which was founded in 2007, therefore put together an international team of well known western car executives to deliver western standards of safety and German-influenced design.


  They include Gert Hildebrand, former chief designer at Mini, and Volker Steinwascher, former head of Volkswagen’s North America operations. Qoros also relied on advice from McKinsey, the consultancy.

  观致汽车请来了Mini的前任首席设计师格特 希尔德布兰德(Gert Hildebrand)以及大众北美业务前任主管石清仁(Volker Steinwascher)。该公司还聘请了咨询机构麦肯锡(consultancy)提供建议。

  “The car industry went through very bad times in the financial crisis but it was beneficial for us as we were able to recruit great talent in that period,” Mr Ofer told the FT in an interview. “We were fortunate to reach practically anybody we wanted.


  “I’m not a racing guy, I like to think of myself as an industrialist so I’m not doing this for fun, this is a serious industry . . . And we couldn’t have found a better partner than Chery. We’ve come a long way from the initial concept and they never said: ‘maybe we should do it in another way’.”


  Qoros will require about $2.7bn in funding of which $1.2bn is equity – split 50-50 between the two parties – and $1.5bn debt. As well as the Changshu plant, Qoros has had to establish its own dealer network in China.


  But for an industry where a new plant typically costs upwards of a €1bn, these sums are relatively small. Qoros has saved money by outsourcing much of the auto development work to suppliers, including Austria’s Magna Steyr.

  对于汽车行业而言,一个新的生产厂通常耗资超过10亿欧元,因此观致汽车的资金需求规模相对来说并不算大。该公司还通过将部分车型开发业务外包给澳大利亚Magna Steyr公司等供应商节约成本。

  Mr Steinwascher, Qoros’ vice-chairman, said: “I’m a big fan of outsourcing. I prefer to work with experts. You need to have good people on board and then can outsource the rest. The creativity of suppliers is much higher if you give them a lot of freedom.”


  Qoros hopes to tap demand among young urban Chinese consumers for high tech western goods and its sedan, therefore, has a state of the art touchscreen infotainment system.


  Although Qoros would not say how much the vehicle will cost, the price is expected to be below €20,000, meaning it will compete against similar offerings from Volkswagen, General Motors and Toyota.

  观致汽车不愿透露这款轿车的具体定价,市场预计其价格可能低于2万欧元。这意味着该公司将与大众、通用汽车(General Motors)以及丰田等公司提供的类似车型展开竞争。

  Mr Steinwascher admitted that Qoros’ timing in entering the European car market was not ideal. “Right now, the European market is really bad,” he said. Therefore, only a limited export is planned at the outset to selected markets in eastern Europe.


  He said it would take at least two to three years before Qoros had a positive cash flow. “The auto industry demands heavy initial investment before you are able to sell cars,” he said.


  Israel Corp is also the chief backer of Better Place, the Israeli electric car battery sharing company founded in 2007 by visionary entrepreneur Shai Agassi. Better Place expanded rapidly internationally but has since parted ways with Mr Agassi after running up big losses and turned its focus to just two markets – Denmark and Israel.

  以色列集团还是以色列电动汽车电池共享公司Better Place的主要支持者。这家公司是富有远见的企业家夏嘉曦(Shai Agassi)于2007年成立的。Better Place在国际市场上的扩张速度很快,但该公司在遭受了巨额损失之后与夏嘉曦分道扬镳,并将注意力集中于丹麦和以色列两个市场。

  Mr Ofer is still a believer in the Better Place model and says one day it might be possible for the two projects to work together. “These [Qoros] cars are built with a platform that can do battery exchange,” he said.

  奥佛对于Better Place的商业模式仍有信心,并表示有朝一日两项业务可能展开合作。他说:“观致的车型是基于一个能够实现电池更换功能的平台来生产的。”

  “But you have to separate the businesses . . . Better Place has to prove it can sell cars and once you do that there’s not reason why Qoros should not build cars for the Better Place model. We have the team and infrastructure within Qoros to do this.”

  “但有必要把汽车和电池业务分开。Better Place必须证明自己能够卖出汽车,而如果这一点能够实现,观致就没有理由不能按照Better Place的模式生产汽车。在观致汽车内部我们有团队和基础设施来实现这一点。”

  Mr Ofer is a patient investor. “The thing I’m most proud of [in business] is what usually takes five to 10 years – building a new business from a clean sheet.”



本文关键字: 日内瓦车展



