
2013-03-27 00:00:00来源:沪江英语网

  In the next episode of The Vampire Diaries, Elijah is back. “There’s been a lot of talk about what I’m returning for and to do,” Daniel Gillies says. The episode’s synopsis simply states that Elena has a “surprising encounter” with Elijah in Pennsylvania, where she and Rebekah are headed in their search for Katherine and the cure. “All I can say is tune in,” Gillies says, “because Elijah’s gonna shock and possibly even horrify a few. In fact, I’ll say he’s gonna horrify many. But franky, I don’t care. I think what he’s doing is wonderful.”

  下一集播出的《吸血鬼日记》中,Elijah将会回归。“我回来的目的真是说来话长,”Daniel Gillies(Elijah扮演者)说。简单描述这一集的剧情就是,Elena和Rebekah去宾夕法尼亚寻找拿走治愈药剂的Katherine,却在这里巧遇了Elijah。他说:“我只能说,大家记得去看,因为Elijah将会让所有人震惊甚至是恐惧。好吧,我得说,Elijah会吓到不少人。不过我不在乎,因为我觉得Elijah这样做特别棒。”

  Exec producer Julie Plec is even more vague: “The first glimpse of Elijah, your heart explodes, you’re so happy to see him. And he is quintessential Elijah, dressed in his beautiful suit with his lovely demeanor, and, as always, trying to find ways to keep Klaus in his place and keep his family together.” (That’s also what Elijah will be doing in the April 25 episode, which serves as the backdoor pilot for the Originals spinoff.)

  该剧的执行制片人Julie Plec说:“看到Elijah第一眼,你的绝对就会心跳到爆,你们看到他的回归肯定很高兴。而他仍然像以前一样,衣着考究、风度翩翩,关心着Klaus,为一家团聚而奔波。

  After this week’s episode, in which Silas put the white oak stake in Klaus’ back and threatened to do worse if he doesn’t get him the cure, Klaus appears to need all the help he can get.


本文关键字: 吸血鬼日记第四季
