
2013-04-06 00:00:00来源:大耳朵英语

  Anxious buyers and sellers filled city offices in Beijing and Shanghai on Monday looking for ways to fend off new property-sales restrictions, even as fresh data showed how difficult it will be for Chinese officials to rein in surging home prices.


  Home sellers and buyers lined up at property transaction centers in both cities after they detailed new limits on home sales over the weekend effective Monday. Among them, both affirmed they would follow an earlier edict from the central government that includes a 20% capital gains tax on the sale of second homes.

  周一,在北京和上海的房产交易中心,售房者和购房者排起了长队。此前,这两个城市上周末详细公布了房地产销售的新限制措施。这些措施于本周一生效。北京和上海都宣布,将遵循中央政府早些时候的决定, 包括对出售非唯一住房征收20%的个人所得税。

  Beijing announced its own restrictions limiting single people to the purchase of just one home, which some industry observers interpreted as partly an attempt to stop married couples from divorcing to skirt limits on how many homes one household can own.


  Homeowners and sales agents on Monday quizzed local officials about the details and how they might hurt sales. 'I hope the seller doesn't go back on his word,' said one home buyer, who gave her surname as Hong, at a transaction office in Shanghai, adding, 'I'm not sure if the tax needs to be paid.'


  At a transaction office in Beijing's Chaoyang district people jostled their way to the front of a line for information on the new rules. Many feared sellers would pass the 20% levy straight on to them.


  'It's just this tax,' said a woman holding a baby. She gave her English name, Katie, and said she was hoping to buy a first home with her husband. 'We're so worried about this tax.' The official at the end of the line brusquely referred all questions on the issue to the tax office on the next block.


  China's central government is seeking to tame housing costs for fear a surge could lead to social unrest, and since 2010 has enacted a number of measures to limit credit and the number of home purchases to cool the market.


  But the market appears to be speeding up along with the improving pace of China's economic growth, helped in recent weeks by home sellers moving to sell to stay ahead of new curbs.


  The average price of housing in 100 cities saw an uptick of 3.9% in March from a year earlier, the fourth straight month of annual gains after eight months of declines, data provider China Real Estate Index System said Monday. The rise is above the 2.48% gain in February and 1.2% increase in January.

  数据供应商中国房地产指数系统(China Real Estate Index System)周一说,3月份中国100个城市新建住宅均价同比上涨3.9%,是连续八个月回落后,同比连续第四个月上涨,涨幅高于2月份和1月份2.48%和1.2%的同比涨幅。

  On a month-on-month basis, the average housing price in March rose 1.03% to 9,998 yuan ($1,607) a square meter, from February's 0.83% and marking the 10th consecutive monthly gain.


  Prices in the second-hand housing market in the major Chinese cities also accelerated. Second-hand home prices in Beijing and Shanghai increased 22.1% and 17.5% in March from a year earlier, up from February's 21.1% and 14.4%, respectively.


  Analysts have expressed doubt about how effective the latest round of property curbs could be.


  Lax implementation by local governments, which are still dependent on revenue from selling land at high prices, could plague these efforts again.


  Pledges over the weekend by other local governments, such as in the cities of Nanjing, Dalian and Jinan, were seen as less stringent by investors. An index tracking Shanghai-listed property shares rose 0.9% Monday, outperforming the Shanghai Composite Index's 0.1% decline.


  In Beijing and Shanghai, some property agents said sellers have changed their sales listings into rentals instead. 'No one wants to sell anymore,' said Chen Jun, a real-estate agent at Haiyu Dichan, a property agency in Shanghai.


  'Some people are asking how to dodge taxes, and some are still considering a fake divorce,' Mr. Chen said. 'They don't remarry later. It's just not healthy,' he said.


  Home resales have long been subject to the 20% tax on profits, but with a lack of proper records of the original sales price, sellers often have been allowed to pay tax of only 1% to 3% of the selling price instead.


  Online, some critics groused that the new restrictions would only hurt some home buyers while doing little to slow the market. 'This policy only limits the young people who haven't bought houses,' said a user on Sina Corp.'s Weibo microblogging service. 'It doesn't do anything to the corrupt officials who own dozens of houses!'


  'The 20% tax will be passed on to the consumers in the end, so where's the meaning in that?' asked another.



本文关键字: 楼市降温



