
2013-04-07 00:00:00来源:华尔街日报

  As North Korea's barrage of war-like threats shows no sign of easing, some South Korean policy makers are cautiously suggesting that their government move more actively to bring the tension to a peaceful end, with some calling for Seoul to send a representative to the North.


  'As part of pre-emptive diplomacy, we should consider sending a special envoy to North Korea,' Chung Woo-taik, one of six members of the Supreme Council of the ruling New Frontier Party, said Thursday in an interview. 'We need to deal with them sternly should there be any provocation, but at the same time, we need to open various channels including an envoy to find out what their true intentions are.'

  韩国执政党新世界党(New Frontier Party)最高委员会六名成员之一郑宇泽(Chung Woo-taik)周四接受采访时说,作为先发制人的外交策略的一部分,我们应该考虑向朝鲜派出一名特使;如果朝鲜有任何挑衅行为,我们需要坚决地加以应对,但同时,我们需要打开各种渠道,了解对方的真正意图,包括派出一名特使。

  But the presidential Blue House told the Journal on Thursday that it hasn't toyed with the idea.


  'We aren't considering the option right now,' said Lee Mi-yon, a Blue House spokeswoman.

  青瓦台的发言人Lee Mi-yon说,我们目前没有考虑这个选择。

  President Park Geun-hye, who has maintained a similar hard-line policy toward the North as her predecessor, has been against the idea of dispatching a messenger to the North as way of defusing tension. Prime Minister Chung Hong-won said last month that the 'time wasn't right for sending an envoy,' and the South 'should rather enhance war deterrence against the North.'

  韩国总统朴槿惠(Park Geun-hye)对朝鲜采取了与前任类似的强硬政策。她一直反对向朝鲜派特使来缓解紧张局势的想法。韩国总理郑烘原(Chung Hong-won)上个月说,派特使的时机还不成熟,韩国应该加大对朝鲜的战争威慑。

  Since the North's nuclear test in February, the opposition Democratic United Party has called for an envoy to Pyongyang. The DUP endorses an engagement policy with the North.

  自今年2月朝鲜进行了核试验以来,韩国反对派民主统合党(Democratic United Party)一直呼吁向朝鲜派出特使。民主统合党支持与朝鲜接触的政策。

  However there are mixed opinions on whether the measure would actually help ease tensions.


  Park Ji-won, a three-time lawmaker for the DUP, said North Korea would not even accept a South Korean envoy.

  三度担任民主统合党议员的Park Ji-won说,朝鲜甚至不会接纳韩国的特使。

  'North Koreans put great importance on face-saving, so it won't allow any envoy at the moment,' he told the Journal Thursday. 'Their self-esteem is hurt.'


  Mr. Park, who served as a special envoy for former South Korean President Kim Dae-jung and visited the North five times in the early 2000s, said the South government should offer Pyongyang more bargains first, like resuming Mt. Kumgang tours that were suspended after a South Korean tourist was shot and killed there by a North Korean soldier in 2008. 'Sending any special envoy should come next to have any meaningful result,' he said.

  Park Ji-won曾在金大中(Kim Dae-jung)任总统期间担任朝鲜问题特使,在本世纪初访问过朝鲜五次。他说,韩国政府应该先给平壤更多的甜头,比如恢复金刚山的旅游观光。2008年,一名韩国游客在金刚山被朝鲜士兵枪杀,金刚山旅游随后中止。他说,然后才是派特使,以便取得任何有意义的成果。

  Rep. Chung said he believes things should be solved through dialogue, even if that means playing by Pyongyang's book of an endless cycle of brinkmanship, talk and aid.


  'Kim Jong Eun has little experience and has lived in a confined environment,' he said 'I believe there is a possibility that he does something reckless.'

  他说,金正恩(Kim Jong Eun)没有什么经验,一直生活在一个封闭的环境中,我认为他可能不计后果地做一些事。


本文关键字: 特使



