
2013-04-07 00:00:00来源:金融时报

  Google recently announced that it would be shutting down a few products. Such closures often lead to laments by users, as well as acknowledgments that not all ideas turn out to be winners. But this time one of the products is Google Reader. The announcement was the source of anguish. “They killed it like a butcher slaughters a chicken,” wrote Om Malik, founder of tech news site GigaOM.

  谷歌(Google)最近宣布,它将关闭几项产品。这类关闭服务的举措总会引发用户的抱怨,同时人们也不得不承认,并非所有的创意最终都能成为赢家。但这一次,谷歌阅读器(Google Reader)也是要被关闭的产品之一。这条消息让很多人感到悲痛。科技新闻网站GigaOM的创始人奥姆 马利克(Om Malik)写道:“他们杀掉了阅读器,就像屠夫宰鸡一样。”

  To recap, many websites, especially news sites, publish summaries as “feeds” in a format called RSS (Rich Site Summary or Really Simple Syndication). Google Reader, a free service, aggregates these feeds, bringing them together into one meta-newspaper of the user’s design. There are many competitors but Google is good at making news searchable and browsable. For people who help to make the news, especially bloggers, Google Reader was the tool of choice. This has led many to question the wisdom of the decision to close it. “By killing the flower,” wrote MG Siegler in TechCrunch, another news outfit, “Google could also kill the bees.”

  为了概述自己的内容,很多网站(尤其是新闻网站)会把摘要发布为“源”(feed),其格式称之为RSS。RSS是“Rich Site Summary”(富站点摘要)或“Really Simple Syndication”(聚合真的很简单)的首字母缩略词。谷歌阅读器是一项免费服务,它把这些源聚合起来,放在一张用户设计的“元报纸”(meta-newspaper)上。谷歌阅读器的竞争对手很多,但谷歌在方便用户搜索和浏览新闻方面做得很出色。对于制作新闻的人士——尤其是博客作者——而言,谷歌阅读器是首选工具。因此,很多人质疑关掉谷歌阅读器的决定是否明智。新闻网站TechCrunch的MG 西格勒(MG Siegler)写道:“在把花朵扼杀掉的同时,谷歌可能也杀掉了蜜蜂。”

  Ah, bees! My own Reader account has more than 1,600 feeds painstakingly sorted into categories. It will be with regret that, when Reader is shut in July, I will bear witness to six years of favourites, notes, and so forth drifting away into nothingness. So I sympathise with the lamentations.


  But what of Google? It is hard to empathise with the group – it is like empathising with the moon – but it has made many good choices. What, then, could this decision mean?


  There is a simple interpretation: as an advertising company, Google must find blank places across the web, areas into which it can insert adverts. Google Reader is not manufacturing these empty spaces at a rate concomitant with current shareholder value. As a consumer of resources it must be destroyed, its body mulched into a more amenable digital loam.


  This view can be explored further. The value of the Reader system is accruing to the users, many of them in the media, rather than to Google. Users love the tool and want to keep it alive. However, Google cannot extract value and therefore cannot justify its continued operation.


  This is the downside to apps: when everything is online your ability to labour along in familiar ways is contingent upon money coming to the app provider. This works when we remain consumers, for example of media objects such as paywalled newspapers, Netflix and Spotify. We lease access to the databases, own nothing, and the access makes it worthwhile. But when we work inside these systems we increase our levels of risk. When Google Reader goes away, it will not be like a television show being cancelled – much work is lost, and the ability to access that work is also lost.


  Users of free services get what they pay for – this is a well-understood problem of the web. But this is also a moment of transition. The internet began as a web of documents: it was there to send linked files around. It was a perfect vessel for news.


  Somewhere along the line the document became secondary; applications, pure data and social networks arose. While these new structures may seem ephemeral they are actually far less ephemeral than newspapers and the like, which essentially start anew daily. Twitter, Facebook and Google are building huge databases of human behaviour. These companies are their databases. They control access to their data jealously and charge a premium to advertisers for the privilege of using them. Something such as RSS – decentralised, open, news-driven, representing a multiplicity of experiences – is difficult to fit into that model.


  The ultimate conclusion is possibly a troubling one. “As a company we’re pouring all of our energy into fewer products. We think that kind of focus will make for a better user experience,” wrote Alan Green, a Google software engineer, on the official Reader blog. This is classic public relations – but assume it is also the truth. What are the big new products? Google Plus, a social network, and Google Keep, a notetaking app, are focused on capturing human interaction.

  最终结论可能令人忧心。谷歌软件工程师艾伦 格林(Alan Green)在谷歌阅读器官方博客上写道:“作为一家企业,我们正把全部精力倾注在更少的产品上。我们认为这种专注会带来更好的用户体验。”这番话是典型的公关措辞,但我们假设它说的也是事实。重大的新产品到底是什么?社交网络Google+以及笔记应用Google Keep,二者的主要目标是捕捉人际互动。

  Google is the interface to the internet. It is sending a clear signal that “news”, documents and blog posts are all fine places to put ads but the news itself is of less concern. There was an era when Google needed the media but now it needs to own more of the relationship between the user and what they consume. For Google Reader and its fans, “better user experience” is not a goal. It is an epitaph.



本文关键字: 谷歌



