
2013-05-13 00:00:00来源:可可英语


  General Motors Co. said its Shanghai GM joint venture received permission from Chinese authorities to build an eight billion yuan ($1.3 billion) factory to manufacture its Cadillac brand, boosting the auto maker"s ambition of becoming a larger player in China's booming luxury-car market.

  通用汽车公司(General Motors Co.)说,其上海通用(Shanghai GM)合资企业获得中国有关部门批准,将斥资人民币80亿元建设一个生产凯迪拉克(Cadillac)品牌汽车的工厂,以此推动这家汽车厂商在中国蓬勃发展的豪华车市场大展拳脚的雄心。

  'We've decided that the luxury market is going to grow and we want a bigger share,' said Dayna Hart, a spokeswoman for GM in China.

  通用汽车中国公司发言人何黛娜(Dayna Hart)说,我们确定豪华车市场将出现增长,而我们希望获得更大的份额。

  Many of the leading premium auto brands, including Daimler AG's Mercedes-Benz and BMW AG, are looking at single-digit percentage gains this year as growth in the premium market slows. In 2012, BMW's China sales rose around 40%.

  包括戴姆勒公司(Daimler AG)旗下梅赛德斯-奔驰(Mercedes-Benz)和宝马(BMW AG)在内的众多领先高端汽车品牌均预计,随着高端市场放缓,今年的增长幅度将在10%以下。2012年,宝马在华销售增长约40%。

  Shanghai GM first disclosed plans for a Cadillac factory to supply the Chinese market in April 2012. The National Development and Reform Commission recently approved the plant, a GM spokeswoman said.


  Last month, GM said its Chinese joint ventures would invest $11 billion by 2016 to expand their combined production capacity by 30% to five million vehicles a year.


  The Detroit-based auto maker earned $550 million in the first quarter from its Chinese joint ventures, estimated Barclays. GM doesn't separately break out its China profit.


  The Cadillac factory would be able to produce up to 150,000 vehicles a year when completed. Construction is scheduled to begin in June, but a U.S. spokesman couldn't say when production would begin. The facility will be built in Jinqiao, Shanghai, where GM's biggest joint venture, Shanghai GM, and GM China's headquarters are located.


  GM launched its Cadillac XTS sedan here in March. GM has also introduced refreshed editions of the luxury SUV SRX, Cadillac's best-selling model in China. GM has said it would bring Cadillac's global portfolio to China by adding one model per year through 2016.


  Last year, Cadillac sold just 30,000 vehicles in China. GM said in January it aimed to increase Cadillac sales to 100,000 a year here by 2016. GM has said its longer-term goal is to take Cadillac's share of the luxury-car market to 10% by 2020.


  'Cadillac remains a tiny player in the premium space in China and faces an uphill battle competing directly with the German three luxury players,' said Janet Lewis, an analyst with Macquarie Securities. For every Cadillac sold in China, BMW sells roughly six of its cars and Audi AG NSU.XE +0.80% nine, she said.

  麦格理证券(Macquarie Securities)分析师刘易斯(Janet Lewis)说,凯迪拉克在中国高端市场实力仍然较弱,并且面临着与德国三大豪华车厂商直接竞争的硬仗。她说,凯迪拉克在中国每卖出一辆车,宝马差不多能卖出六辆,奥迪(Audi AG)卖出九辆。

  Car sales in China rose 7.1% in 2012 to 15.5 million vehicles, according to the semiofficial China Association of Automobile Manufacturers. The Chinese premium car market accounts for 9% of all passenger-car sales, according to consultancy McKinsey &Co., compared with 4% in Japan and 6% in South Korea.

  据半官方机构中国汽车工业协会的数据,2012年中国汽车销量增长7.1%,至1,550万辆。咨询机构麦肯锡公司(McKinsey &Co.)的数据显示,中国高端车市场占乘用车总销量的9%,日本和韩国的这一比例分别为4%和6%。

  McKinsey expects 12% annual growth through 2020, outperforming 8% growth projected for the broader car market.


  The consultancy expects China's premium car market to reach three million units by 2020 and says the country could become the world's largest premium car market as early as 2016, ahead of the U.S. and Germany.


  'The potential of premium segment is still big with many consumers upgrading their first car. If the product is good then the risk can be quite low,' said Yale Zhang, managing director of Automotive Foresight (Shanghai) Co., an automotive consulting company in China. 'Cadillac will gain market share in the foreseeable future.'

  在华汽车业咨询公司Automotive Foresight (Shanghai) Co.的董事总经理张豫说,随着许多消费者对第一辆车进行升级换代,高端车领域仍然有很大的潜力;如果产品出色,那么风险可能很低;凯迪拉克在可预见的未来将赢得市场份额。

  The GM spokeswoman didn't comment directly on recent moves by the Chinese government to encourage officials to deploy domestic brands in their fleets, but noted other segments of the market promised growth.


  'There are a lot of young and affluent buyers out there' interested in buying luxury cars, she said.


  Macquarie's Ms. Lewis said that to win over such consumers, GM would have to convince them that American brands can be luxury brands. 'I think for now Chinese consumers associate 'old-world, European' with luxury, rather than 'new world, American,'' she said.



本文关键字: 凯迪拉克



