
2013-06-06 00:00:00来源:可可英语


  Twice a year, in spring and fall, India"s Hindus celebrate Navrati, a nine-day festival during which they pray each day to a different female deity. Navrati culminates in 'kanya puja,' or a day of maiden worshiping: Every household invites over the young girls of the neighborhood and, led by the father or patriarch, bows before them, washes their feet, prays to them, offers them a specially prepared feast of vegetarian delicacies and showers them with gifts and money.

  每年春秋两季,印度教徒都会庆祝Navrati节。在为期9天的庆典中印度人每天敬拜一位不同的女神。Navrati节会在“崇拜少女日”(kanya puja)当天达到高潮。当天,每家每户都会邀请附近的年轻女孩来到家中,整个家族会在父亲或者家族长老的带领下,向她们鞠躬,为她们洗脚,向她们祷告,奉上专门为其烹饪的素食大餐,并送上礼物和钱财。

  Growing up, I would make several weeks' worth of allowance on that one day. But this ancient practice wasn't meant to pamper the girls. It served to remind men of the qualities─mental courage, spiritual wisdom, purity of mind and strength of character─embodied in the feminine spirit, without which, according to Hindu scriptures, the cosmos would collapse into decadence and chaos.


  Such veneration of women may surprise foreign observers of India, considering the recent epidemic of rapes there and publicity about the everyday harassment that Indian women face─lewd gestures, catcalls, groping and worse. Some have blamed modernity, suggesting that India needs to return to its past. But when it comes to 'eve teasing' (as this practice is euphemistically called), I would argue the opposite: It is precisely the stubborn hold of India's prudish culture that has made many Indian men so callow.

  对女性的如此崇敬可能会让很多关注印度的外国人感到震惊,因为最近印度强奸案横行,对女性的性骚扰也颇为公开:诸如猥亵的手势,挑逗的口哨,“咸猪手”或者其他更恶劣的行为。一些人将这归咎于现代化进程,认为印度应该回归传统。但是当涉及“夏娃的诱惑”(这是性骚扰的委婉说法)时,我会坚持相反的观点:正是由于固守“假正经”的印度文化, 许多印度男人才在性方面没有经验。

  Arun Arushi Narodin, who writes for the online magazine Bodhi Commons, reports that 90% of urban women in India experience harassment. But that almost certainly understates the problem. I've never met an Indian woman─rich or poor, upper or lower caste, pretty or homely, young or middle-age─who hasn't been harassed. Indeed, street-level harassment is like traffic for drivers, an unavoidable nuisance women confront whenever they leave the house. It fundamentally alters how they walk, talk, travel and dress in public. It impels them to assume a body language least likely to draw attention─to cover themselves, as it were, in an invisible burqa.

  为网络杂志《菩提树下的议院》(Bodhi Commons)撰稿的阿伦·阿修罗·纳罗丁(Arun Arushi Narodin)报道称,印度90%的城镇女性都有被性骚扰的经历。而这一数据显然低估了问题的严峻程度。我所认识的印度女性,无论贫富、等级、相貌或年龄,没有一个没受到过性骚扰。实际上,街头性骚扰就像司机遇到堵车一样平常,只要踏出家门就会不可避免的遇到。这种情况从根本上改变了印度女性走路、说话、穿着的方式;也迫使她们采用最不引人注意的肢体语言,并穿上布卡(Burqa)覆盖全身来寻求保护。

  I first felt myself donning this burqa sometime in my midteens as I walked with my mother to the market near our home in New Delhi and a group of young men started hooting, whistling and singing Bollywood songs. My mother hissed at me to walk quickly and avoid eye contact. Had we been accompanied by my father, the loud harassment would have been replaced with more surreptitious gestures. This mostly low-level nuisance turns into molestation in crowded buses or public spaces, as men grope or press against trapped women. My mother instructed me to have a sharp elbow or a safety pin always at the ready, advice that is still handed down to Indian girls today.


  What is the cause of this phenomenon? Some argue that the uneven economic growth triggered by India's two-decade-old liberalization has left many men feeling emasculated. Young girls flaunting their newfound wealth in sparkling malls and fast-food restaurants, it is said, are producing a backlash of jealousy and envy from less-well-off men. 'Men's loss of power and control over women has made professional women particularly vulnerable, especially in male-dominated work environments and in public spaces,' writes Rasna Wahra for the Daily Nation. But street harassment predates liberalization by generations. My mother endured it 50 years ago.

  这种现象究竟缘何而起?一些人认为是印度自由化二十年来导致不平衡的经济发展,使许多男性失去了曾经的优越感。年轻女孩开始在奢华的商场和快餐店里炫耀她们的财富,而这随即催生了一些不那么富裕的男性的敌对性嫉妒心理。来自《国家日报》(Daily Nation)的Rasna Wahra写道:“男人权力的丧失以及无法再对女人实施操控,这使得职场女性尤为容易受到伤害,这点在以男性为主导的工作环境或公共场合中表现得尤为明显。”可是街头性骚扰比自由化要早了几十个年头,我母亲从50多年前就开始忍受了。

  Others suggest that harassment is the product of rapid urbanization, which has flooded India's cities with village hicks, who lose their heads on seeing (relatively) liberated women roaming around freely. That would make sense if urban men from 'respectable' families weren't also among the offenders. And then there is the feminist explanation: patriarchy, which sees street-level harassment as an assertion of male domination. But India is arguably less patriarchal now than it has ever been, and the problem remains.


  Unlike rape and sex-selective abortion, which represent a genuine devaluing of women, sexual harassment in India is, I believe, an expression not of the power of Indian men but of their helplessness. It's a pathetic attempt to have a sexual encounter, no matter how meaningless and evanescent. Its real cause is free-floating male libido with no socially acceptable outlet.


  India's sexual mores and institutions are rooted in a pastoral past, when people died before 50, so marriages between minors were the norm. Families in villages would betroth their children, at birth sometimes, and have a formal ceremony after both attained puberty, when the girl went to live with her husband's family. This arrangement, now banned, had many horrendous downsides, but it produced an organic harmony between the sexual needs of individuals and the social expectations of monogamy and chastity.


  Today the average marriage age in India has risen to 22 for women and 26 for men. Yet virginity and chastity─especially for women, but also men─remain prized virtues. The vast majority of marriages, even in large cosmopolitan cities, are arranged. But even love matches can't be openly consummated before marriage, thanks to the taboo against premarital sex. Girls are expected to go from their father's house to their husband's, virginity intact.


  The upshot is legions of grown, unmarried men who have never had sex. It is their repressed libido that expresses itself in weird social pathologies such as harassment. Trying to stamp out harassment with the tougher laws that India has recently embraced─declaring stalking a crime, setting sentences of five years for groping, one year for lewd gestures─will help at the margins at best. A problem rooted in natural urges is unlikely to yield to legal quick fixes.


  What would work? Nothing short of transforming India's puritanical culture and giving men and women more freedom to forge sexually mature relationships outside of marriage. The reform process is already under way among the urbanized upper classes. Bollywood movies, generally a good barometer of social trends, are increasingly depicting cohabiting couples in a favorable light. 'Living together before marriage is not a crime,' Deepika Padukone, a famous actress, recently declared.

  那有什么办法可以奏效呢?彻底改变印度过于拘谨的宗教文化,赋予男人和女人更多自由,不用等到婚后才能建立成熟的性关系。这个转变已经在城镇富裕阶层发生了。宝莱坞电影一向是社会风向的晴雨表,如今也越来越多地采用正面方式去刻画同居男女的关系。著名印度女演员迪皮卡·帕度柯妮(Deepika Padukone) 最近就声称“婚前同居并不是犯罪”。

  But the process will take generations. Given India's starting point in ancient traditions, one can hope that it will result in a balance healthier than what has unfolded in the over-sexualized West. But unfold it must, because the status quo demeans India's daughters─and warps its sons.



本文关键字: 印度教徒



