口译时事:奥巴马访问德国 为棱镜丑闻辩护

2013-06-26 00:00:00来源:大耳朵英语

  Obama defends U.S. intelligence strategy in wary Berlin
奥巴马访问德国 为美情报策略辩护


  U.S. President Barack Obama and German Chancellor Angela Merkel shake hands at the end of a joint news conference at the Chancellery in Berlin June 19, 2013.


  BERLIN, Jun 19 (Reuters) - President Barack Obama defended U.S. anti-terrorism tactics on a visit to Berlin on Wednesday, telling wary Germans Washington was not spying on the emails of ordinary citizens and promising to step up efforts to close the Guantanamo Bay prison.

  路透社柏林6月19日 - 美国总统奥巴马周三在访问德国期间为美国的反恐策略进行辩护,表示美国没有监视普通公民的电子邮件,并承诺加强关闭关塔那摩监狱的努力。

  On the 50th anniversary of John F. Kennedy"s famous "Ich bin ein Berliner" speech, Obama made his first presidential visit to the German capital, a favored destination of U.S. leaders during the Cold War.


  He held talks with Chancellor Angela Merkel and gave a speech at the Brandenburg Gate in which he unveiled a proposal for new talks with Russia on slashing nuclear arms arsenals.

  他与德国总理默克尔举行了会谈,并在勃兰登堡门(Brandenburg Gate)发表演讲。演讲中他提议与俄罗斯就核裁军举行新的会谈。

  Obama, who attracted a crowd of 200,000 adoring fans when he last passed through in 2008 during his first campaign for the presidency, remains popular in Germany.


  But revelations before the trip of a covert U.S. Internet surveillance program, code-named Prism, caused outrage in a country where memories of the eavesdropping East German Stasi secret police are still fresh.


  Merkel said at a joint news conference that also touched on Afghanistan, Syria and the global economy, that the two leaders had held "long and intensive" talks on the spying issue, noting that some questions still needed to be cleared up.


  Obama tried to reassure his host, "This is not a situation in which we are rifling through the ordinary emails of German citizens or American citizens or French citizens or anybody else," Obama said. "This is not a situation where we simply go into the Internet and start searching any way we want. This is a circumscribed system directed at us being able to protect our people and all of it is done under the oversight of the courts.",


  In a message which seemed designed for her domestic audience, Merkel told Obama that balance was essential in government monitoring of Internet communications.


  "I made clear that although we do see the need for gathering information, the topic of proportionality is always an important one and the free democratic order is based on people feeling safe," said the 58-year-old chancellor.

  这位58岁的女总理说,“我清楚地知道,尽管我们需要收集信息情报,但是相应地,在自由民主秩序基础上让人感觉安全,始终是一个十分重要的话题。 ”

  Obama countered that the U.S. had thwarted at least 50 threats because of its monitoring program, including planned attacks in Germany.


  "So lives have been saved and the encroachment on privacy has been strictly limited," he said.


  A poll last week showed 82 percent of Germans approve of Obama, but the magic of 2008, when he was feted like a rock star, has faded amid concerns about his anti-terrorist tactics.



本文关键字: 奥巴马



